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- AboutAccountChannelsBuilder(Account) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutAccountChannelsBuilder
Create a builder for the channels to use when an account is changed
- AboutCardTypeChannelsBuilder(AbstractCardType) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutCardTypeChannelsBuilder
Create a channel builder for everything needed for a card type belonging to a project
- AboutProjectOverviewChannelsBuilder(Project) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutProjectOverviewChannelsBuilder
Create a builder for the channels to use when a project overview data is changed
- AboutUserChannelsBuilder(User) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutUserChannelsBuilder
Create a builder for the channels to use when a user is changed
- AbstractCardType - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Abstract Card type
- AbstractCardType() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- AbstractExceptionMapper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception
Intercept exception and send them back to client
- AbstractExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.AbstractExceptionMapper
- AbstractResource - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
A resource is a document provided to help the users to fulfill their goals.
- AbstractResource() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- Account - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Accounts are used by users to authenticate.
- Account() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- ACCOUNTABLE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.InvolvementLevel
The one who validate the work (read/write access)
- AccountDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user
Account persistence
- AccountDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.AccountDao
- ACTIVE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
This card content is working in progress
- ActivityFlowLink - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link
Link to show that a card must be handled before another one.
- ActivityFlowLink() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- ActivityFlowLinkDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link
Activity flow link persistence
- ActivityFlowLinkDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.ActivityFlowLinkDao
- ActivityFlowLinkManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link
Activity flow link specific logic
- ActivityFlowLinkManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
- ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link
REST activity flow link controller
- ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
- addAndPersistInstanceMaker(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Create an instance maker for the model and the user and then persist it in database
- addCell(GridCellWithId) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Add a cell within the matrix.
- addDeliverable(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Add the deliverable to the end of the card content.
- addDeliverable(Long, Document, RelatedPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Add the deliverable to the card content.
- addDeliverable(Long, Document, RelatedPosition, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Add the deliverable to the card content.
- addDeliverableAfter(Long, Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Add the deliverable to the card content just after the given document.
- addDeliverableAtBeginning(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Add the deliverable at the beginning of the card content.
- addDeliverableAtEnd(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Add the deliverable at the end of the card content.
- addDeliverableBefore(Long, Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Add the deliverable to the card content just before the given document.
- addDocument(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Add the document to the end of the resource.
- addDocument(Long, Document, RelatedPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Add the document to the resource.
- addDocument(Long, Document, RelatedPosition, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Add the document to the resource.
- addDocumentAfter(Long, Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Add the document to the resource just after the given document.
- addDocumentAtBeginning(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Add the document at the beginning of the resource.
- addDocumentAtEnd(Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Add the document at the end of the resource.
- addDocumentBefore(Long, Long, Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Add the document to the resource just before the given document.
- addInstanceMaker(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Create an instance maker for the model and the user
- additionalFooter(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Add a message footer
- addMember(Project, User, HierarchicalPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Add given user to the project teams
- AFTER - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
- afterCompletion(int) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
After completion callback
- afterCompletion(int) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxSync
At this point, the final state of the transaction in known.
- afterCompletion(int) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSynchronizer
- alwaysFalse - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions
A always false condition
- alwaysTrue - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions
An always true condition
- And(Conditions.Condition...) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.And
Build an AND statement
- ApplicationConfig - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
Simple REST WebService application.
- ApplicationConfig() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ApplicationConfig
Create and init REST application
- ApplicationLifecycle - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
- ApplicationLifecycle() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ApplicationLifecycle
- ApplicationLifecycleManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.setup
Some business method required by
. - ApplicationLifecycleManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.setup.ApplicationLifecycleManager
- ARCHIVED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
This card content has been archived
- areUserTeammate(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Are two user team mate?
- areUserTeammate(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Are two user teammate?
- assertAndGetActivityFlowLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
Retrieve the activity flow link.
- assertAndGetCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Retrieve the card.
- assertAndGetCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Retrieve the card content.
- assertAndGetCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the card type.
- assertAndGetCardTypeOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the card type (or reference).
- assertAndGetCardTypeRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the card type reference.
- assertAndGetCopyParam(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve the copy parameter.
- assertAndGetCurrentUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Get the current user if it exists.
- assertAndGetDocument(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Retrieve the document.
- assertAndGetDocumentFile(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Retrieve the document file.
- assertAndGetGrandParentCardContent(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Retrieve the grand parent card content of the given card.
- assertAndGetInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Retrieve the instanceMaker.
- assertAndGetMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Retrieve the team member.
- assertAndGetProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve the project.
- assertAndGetResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the resource.
- assertAndGetResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the resource (or reference).
- assertAndGetResourceRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the resource reference.
- assertAndGetRole(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Retrieve the role.
- assertAndGetStickyNoteLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
Retrieve the sticky note link.
- assertAndGetTextDataBlock(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
Retrieve the block.
- assertAndGetTextDataBlock(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Retrieve the text data block.
- assertAndGetUser(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Retrieve the user.
- assertCardContentReadWrite(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Get the card content identified by the given id
- assertConditionTx(Conditions.Condition, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Assert the given condition is true
- assertCreatePermissionTx(WithPermission) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Assert the currentUser has right to create the given object
- assertDeletePermissionTx(WithPermission) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Assert the currentUser has right to update the given object
- assertReadPermissionTx(WithPermission) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Assert the currentUser has right to read the given object
- assertReadWrite(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Check the document identified by the given id
- assertReadWrite(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Check the document identified by the given id
- assertResourceReadWrite(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Get the card content identified by the given id
- assertTeamIntegrity(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Make sure the team of a project make sense.
- assertUpdatePermissionTx(WithPermission) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Assert the currentUser has right to update the given object
- assertValid(T) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.ValidationManager
Ascertain that the given entity is valid according to its JPA constraints.
- Assignment - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl
Define the assignment a team member or a team role have to cards
- Assignment() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- AssignmentDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl
Assignment persistence
- AssignmentDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl.AssignmentDao
- AssignmentManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team
Some logic to manage assignments of team members on cards
- AssignmentManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
- AT_BEGINNING - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
At the beginning
- AT_END - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
At the end
- authenticate(AuthInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Try to authenticate user with given token
- authenticated - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions
Is the current authenticated condition
- authenticationFailure(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
keep trace of failed authentication attempt
- AuthenticationFailure - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
To store number of authentication failure
- AuthenticationFailure() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFailure
Create a new instance with timestamp = now and counter = 1
- AuthenticationFilter - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
Intercept all request to the API and check user has required permission.
- AuthenticationFilter() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFilter
- AuthInfo - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Contains information sent by the user to authenticate with a password
- AuthInfo() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
- AuthMethod - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
This method request the client to send a password using the mandatoryMethod.
- AuthMethod() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
Default constructor
- AuthMethod(HashMethod, String, HashMethod, String) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
Build payload to send to client
- AUTO - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentCompletionMode
- bcc(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Add a BBC recipient
- BEFORE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
- beforeCompletion() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxSync
This is called before just before the commit occurs.
- beforeCompletion() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSynchronizer
- BIN - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.DeletionStatus
It is removed but can be found in a bin and recovered.
- BLOCK - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
- BlockChannel - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
A channel to propagate content of a given block.
- BlockChannel() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
- BlockChannelBuilder(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.BlockChannelBuilder
Create a builder for a block channel
- BlockManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Block specific logic
- BlockManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
- BlockMonitoring - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring
Admin tool to monitor live block changes
- BlockMonitoring() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
- BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring
Status of the block
- body(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Set the body with a text/plain MIME-type
- body(String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Set the message body.
- BROADCAST - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
- BroadcastChannel - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
The channel to be used to transmit data to all online users.
- BroadcastChannel() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
- broadcastMessage(WsMessage) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
Send a message to all clients
- build() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Build the email body to send with the token
- build() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Build the message.
- build() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
get the broadcast channel
- build(SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType, SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType, Long, String, Long) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Build a request message
- build(Project) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
get the channel dedicated to the given project.
- build(InvitationToken, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools.InvitationMessageBuilder
Build an HTML body to send a message for the invitation token
- build(ModelSharingToken, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools.ModelSharingMessageBuilder
Build a HTML body to send a message for the model sharing token
- build(ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools.ResetLocalAccountPasswordMessageBuilder
Build a HTML body to send a message to reset the local account password.
- build(VerifyLocalAccountToken, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools.VerifyLocalAccountMessageBuilder
Build a HTML body to send a message to verify the local account.
- build(User) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
get the channel dedicated to the given user.
- build(WithWebsocketChannels) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
Create an new index entry based on the given wihId object
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutAccountChannelsBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutCardTypeChannelsBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutProjectOverviewChannelsBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.AboutUserChannelsBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.BlockChannelBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder
Determine the channels to use (internal implementation)
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.EmptyChannelBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ForAdminChannelsBuilder
- build(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ProjectContentChannelBuilder
- build(WebsocketChannel, Integer) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
Build a message
- build(Logger) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
Extract level descriptor from a logger
- build(Long) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
get the channel dedicated to the block having the given id.
- build(Long) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
get the channel dedicated to the project having the given id.
- build(String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- build(String, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LoggerLevelPayload
Build a logger level description
- build(String, String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
Convenient builder
- build(Map<WebsocketChannel, List<WsMessage>>) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.PrecomputedWsMessages
Pre-compute all messages to send
- BUILD_IMAGES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Build number property name
- BUILD_NUMBER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Build number property name
- buildDefault(Project) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- buildDefaultForCopyOfResource() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- buildDefaultForProjectDuplication() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- buildForModelCreationFromProject() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- buildForProjectCreationFromModel() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Convert byte array to hex string
- CacheControlFilter - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter
Make sure Cache-Control header is set:
- CacheControlFilter() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.CacheControlFilter
- call() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools.CancelDebounce
- call() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools.Debouncer
- call() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.CallableGetChannel
- CallableGetChannel - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils
Serializable callable to be submitted to all instances of the cluster.
- CallableGetChannel() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.CallableGetChannel
- camelCaseToUnderscore(String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Convert camelCase string to userscrore_separated_lower_case_string
- cancelDebounce(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CdiBridgeSingleton
- cancelDebounce(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Cancel any debounce call related to the given blockId
- CancelDebounce - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools
Cancel any
- CancelDebounce(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools.CancelDebounce
Create the callable canceler
- canWrite() - Method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
Does this position have read-write access ?
- Card - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
- Card() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- CARD - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
from a card.
- CARD_CONTENT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
from a card content.
- CARD_CONTENT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.LexicalDataOwnershipKind
The lexical data are owned by a card content
- CardContent - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Card content
- CardContent() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- CardContentCompletionMode - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Defines how the completion level is handled
- CardContentDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card
Card content persistence
- CardContentDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardContentDao
- CardContentManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card
Card content specific logic
- CardContentManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
- CardContentRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card
REST card content controller
- CardContentRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
- CardContentStatus - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Status of the card
- CardDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card
Card persistence
- CardDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardDao
- CardManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card
Card, card type and card content specific logic
- CardManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
- CardRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card
REST card controller
- CardRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
- CardType - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Card type, defining what is it for
- CardType() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- CardTypeCreationData - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean
Bean with everything needed to create a card type
- CardTypeCreationData() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- CardTypeDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card
Card type persistence
- CardTypeDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
- CardTypeManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card
Card type and reference specific logic
- CardTypeManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
- CardTypeOrRefConditions - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card
Card type and reference access control conditions
- CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card
Has the current user access to the card type or reference ?
- CardTypeRef - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
Reference to another existing abstract card type.
- CardTypeRef() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
- CardTypeRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card
REST card type controller
- CardTypeRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
- cc(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Add a CC recipient
- CdiBridgeSingleton - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Single which give access to the CDI world.
- CdiBridgeSingleton() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CdiBridgeSingleton
- ch.colabproject.colab.api - package ch.colabproject.colab.api
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.config - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.config
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.setup - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.setup
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.security - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.security
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.security - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
- ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils - package ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils
- Change - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model
A change is an atomic set of microchanges.
- Change() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
- changeActivityFlowLinkNext(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
Change the next card
- changeActivityFlowLinkPrevious(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
Change the previous card
- changeCardContentLexicalConversionStatus(Long, ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Set the lexical conversion status.
- changeCardContentLexicalConversionStatus(Long, ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Set the lexical conversion status.
- changeCardPosition(Long, GridPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Change the position of the card (stay in the same parent, just change position within grid)
- changeCardPosition(Long, GridPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Change the position of the card (stay in the same parent)
- changeCategory(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
Set the category of the resource.
- changeCategory(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Set the category of the resource
- changeCategory(List<Long>, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
Set the category of a list of resources
- changeCategoryForList(String, List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Set the category of a list of resources
- changeDestination(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Change the destination
- changeItemPosition(T, int, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.IndexWithEmptySlotManager
Set the new position of the item.
- changeLogerLevelClusterWide(String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.MonitoringManager
Change the level of a logger cluster-wide.
- changeLoggerLevel(String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.MonitoringRestEndpoint
Change level of a logger
- changeLoggerLevelInternal(LoggerLevelPayload) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.MonitoringManager
Change level of a logger within this very payara instance.
- changeMemberPosition(Long, HierarchicalPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Update hierarchical position of a member
- changeNextCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Change the next card
- changePreviousCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Change the previous card
- changeResourceLexicalConversionStatus(Long, ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Set the lexical conversion status.
- changeResourceLexicalConversionStatus(Long, ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Set the lexical conversion status.
- changeResourcePublication(Long, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Set the resource as published or not
- ChangeRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
REST micro changes controller
- ChangeRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ChangeRestEndpoint
- changeSrcWithCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Change the source for a card
- changeSrcWithCardContent(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Change the source for a card content
- changeSrcWithDocument(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Change the source for a document
- changeSrcWithResourceOrRef(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Change the source for a resource / resource reference
- changeStickyNoteLinkDestination(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
Change the destination
- changeStickyNoteLinkSource(Long, StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
Change the source
- ChannelOverview - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel
Deprecated.not used any longer
- ChannelOverview() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
- ChannelsBuilder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder
- ChannelsBuilders - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
Compute the channels needed to propagate alteration changes.
- ChannelsBuilders.AboutAccountChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build all channels needed to propagate an account alteration
- ChannelsBuilders.AboutCardTypeChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build all channels needed for a card type belonging to a project
- ChannelsBuilders.AboutProjectOverviewChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build all channels needed to propagate a project overview alteration
- ChannelsBuilders.AboutUserChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build all channels needed to propagate a user alteration
- ChannelsBuilders.BlockChannelBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build a block channel
- ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To determine the channels to use
- ChannelsBuilders.EmptyChannelBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
When there is no channel
- ChannelsBuilders.ForAdminChannelsBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build a channel for each admin
- ChannelsBuilders.ProjectContentChannelBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool
To build a project content channel
- checkDeletionAcceptability(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Ascertain that the team member can be deleted
- checkHash(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Check plain token against hashed persisted one
- checkIntegrity(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Check the integrity of the card type (or reference)
- checkIntegrity(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Check the integrity of the card
- checkIntegrity(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Check the integrity of the project
- checkIntegrity(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Check the integrity of the card type (or reference)
- checkIntegrity(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Check the integrity of the document
- checkIntegrity(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Check the integrity of the project
- clear() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
Clear processed data
- clearAllPresenceList() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.PresenceRestEndpoint
Clear all presence lists
- clearAllPresenceLists() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
Clear all presence lists
- clearExpiredHttpSessions() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Clean database.
- clearOutdated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ExternalDataManager
Drop outdated entries from cache
- clearProjectPresenceList(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
Clear presence list for the given project
- clearProjectPresenceList(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.PresenceRestEndpoint
Clear presence list for the given project
- clearWsSession(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
User has just left, clear from activity table and propagate.
- COLAB_BASE_URN - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
The co.LAB base uniform resource name
- ColabConfig - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean
Bean to serialize account-related configuration.
- ColabConfig() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
- ColabConfiguration - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
Some configuration parameters
- ColabEntity - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
Simple interface which depicts persisted object that may be exchanged with clients
- ColabMergeException - Exception in ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions
Thrown when a merge is not possible
- ColabMergeException(ColabEntity, ColabEntity) - Constructor for exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions.ColabMergeException
Create a merge exception
- ColabRollbackException - Exception in ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions
To rollback the transaction
- ColabRollbackException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions.ColabRollbackException
New co.LAB rollback exception.
- computeChannels(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder
Determine the channels to use
- computeEffectiveCardTypeOrRef(AbstractCardType, Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Get a card type located in the given project and targeting the given card type.
- computeMemoryUsage(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
Computes the disk space used by a project
- concat(String...) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Concatenate arguments
- Condition() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Condition
- Conditions - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Utility class to build conditions
- Conditions.And - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
AND condition
- Conditions.Condition - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Abstract condition.
- Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Do current and given user work on a common project ?
- Conditions.HasCardReadRight - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Has the current user access to a card ?
- Conditions.HasCardWriteRight - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Has the current user write access to a card ?
- Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
The current user must be, at least, internal to given project team
- Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
The current user must be member of the given project team
- Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Are current and given users teammate ?
- Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
Is the current user the given one ?
- Conditions.Not - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
- Conditions.Or - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions
OR condition
- ConfigRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config
REST MonitoringRestEndpoint to monitor the system
- ConfigRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.ConfigRestEndpoint
- ConfigurationManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.config
Give access to configuration variables
- ConfigurationManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.config.ConfigurationManager
- constantTimeArrayEquals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Make a full comparison of array.
- construct() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxManager
Called each time a new transaction is created.
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
token effect.
- consume(TokenManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- consume(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the token
- consumeInvitationToken(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the invitation token
- consumeModelSharingToken(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the model sharing token
- consumeResetPasswordToken(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the given reset password login.
- consumeSharingLinkToken(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the token to ensure that the user can view the project and edit the card (if set)
- consumeToken(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token.TokenRestEndpoint
Consume and destroy the token
- consumeVerifyAccountToken(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Consume the local account verification token
- ConversionStatus - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
When an entity needs a conversion, it can be in one of these statues.
- CookieFilter - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
Intercept all request to the API.
- CookieFilter() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.CookieFilter
- Coord(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid.Coord
simple constructor
- CopyParam - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project
Parameters to copy a project.
- CopyParam() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- CopyParamDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project
Copy parameter persistence
- CopyParamDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.CopyParamDao
- copyResourceTo(Long, DuplicationParam, String, Long, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Duplicate the given resource with the given parameters to fine tune the duplication
- countOwners(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Count the number of entities owning the document.
- create() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Create a new builder.
- create() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Create a new builder.
- create() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.LiquibaseProducer
Give liquibase access to our classloader
- createActivityFlowLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
Create a link
- createAdminUserTx(String, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
UserManager.createAdminUser(String, String, String)
within a brand-new transaction. - createBinary(InputStream) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
creates a new binary object to be stored
- createCardType(CardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Complete and persist the given new card type.
- createCardType(CardTypeCreationData) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Persist a card type.
- createCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Create a card type for a card which has none
- createCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
- createConfig() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.LiquibaseProducer
Liquibase configuration
- createDataSource() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.LiquibaseProducer
Give liquibase access to the datasource
- createDefaultAdminIfNone() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.setup.ApplicationLifecycleManager
Create a default admin user if there is no admin at all.
- createEmptyAssignment(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Add an assignment for a card and a member without involvement level
- createHttpSession(Account, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Create and persist a new HTTP Session bound.
- createLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Persist the link
- createLink(StickyNoteLinkCreationData) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Persist the link
- createNewCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Complete and persist a new card into the given card content with the given card type.
- createNewCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Create and persist a new card
- createNewCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Complete and persist a new card content variant for the given card.
- createNewCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Create and persist a new card content
- createNewCardWithoutType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Create and persist a new card
- createProject(ProjectCreationData) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Create a new project with the provided data and register current user as a member.
- createProject(ProjectCreationData) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Create a new project from scratch with the provided data and register current user as a member.
- createResource(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Complete and persist the given resource and create all the references needed.
- createResource(ResourceCreationData) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Create a resource
- createRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Create a role.
- createRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Create a role.
- createStickyNoteLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
Create a link
- CronJobLog - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring
Store cronjob related information
- CronJobLog() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- CRONJOBLOG_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
cron job log sequence name
- CronJobLogDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring
Cronjob logs persistence
- CronJobLogDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring.CronJobLogDao
- CronJobLogManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
Logic to manage cron job logging
- CronJobLogManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.CronJobLogManager
- CronJobLogName - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring
A cron job log can have one of these names
- CronJobLogRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring
REST CronJobLog controller
- CronJobLogRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.CronJobLogRestEndpoint
- CronTab - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Do periodic tasks
- CronTab() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CronTab
- customize(Session) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.JpaCustomizer
- D - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange.Type
- damr1(Long, String, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Duplicate the given resource
- DATA_ERROR - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
unable to restore data from live cache
- DATABASE_BACKUP - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Database backup
- DataSourceDefinitionProvider - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
Provides data source definition
- DataSourceDefinitionProvider() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.DataSourceDefinitionProvider
- Debouncer - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools
Callable Change processing Request.
- Debouncer(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.tools.Debouncer
Create a debouncer for the given block id
- decode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonDecoder
Parse message with
- decode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonWsMessageListDecoder
Parse message with
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
System property name which contains default admin email address
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Value to use if the system property is not set
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
System property name which contains default admin password
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Value to use if the system property is not set
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
System property name which contains default admin username
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Value to use if the system property is not set
- DEFAULT_BUILD_IMAGES_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default build number
- DEFAULT_BUILD_NUMBER_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default build number
- DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Default height when a card is new on a grid
- DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
The mime type by default
- DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Default width when a card is new on a grid
- DEFAULT_X_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Default X coordinate when a card is new on a grid
- DEFAULT_Y_COORDINATE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Default Y coordinate when a card is new on a grid
- defaultForOrphan - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions
By default if the situation cannot happen
- deleteAbstractCardType(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Delete the card type from database.
- deleteActivityFlowLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.ActivityFlowLinkDao
Delete the link from database.
- deleteActivityFlowLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.ActivityFlowLinkManager
Delete a link
- deleteAssignment(Assignment) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl.AssignmentDao
Delete the assignment from database.
- deleteAssignment(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
Remove the assignment for a member regarding to a card.
- deleteAssignments(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Delete all assignments for a card and a member
- deleteCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardDao
Delete the card from database.
- deleteCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Delete the given card
- deleteCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardContentDao
Delete the card content from database.
- deleteCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Delete the given card content
- deleteCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Permanently delete a card content
- deleteCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Delete the given card type
- deleteCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Permanently delete a card type
- DELETED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
some pending changes exist but block has been deleted in the meantime
- deleteDocument(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
Delete the document from database.
- deleteFile(Project, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
Deletes any existing node.
- deleteFile(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Delete the file contents, and resets size and mime type
- deleteFile(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentFileRestEndPoint
Deletes the file associated with the document Does nothing if no file was present
- deleteHttpSession(HttpSession) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.HttpSessionDao
Delete a http session.
- deleteHttpSession(HttpSession) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Remove httpSession
- deleteInstanceMaker(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.InstanceMakerDao
Delete the instance maker from database.
- deleteInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Delete instanceMaker
- deleteInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.InstanceMakerRestEndpoint
Delete an instanceMaker by id
- deleteInvitationsByTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Delete all invitations linked to the team member
- deleteLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Permanently delete a link
- deleteLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Permanently delete a link
- deleteModelSharingTokenByInstanceMaker(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Delete all model sharing tokens linked to the instance maker
- deletePendingChanges(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ChangeRestEndpoint
Patch a block with a change
- deletePendingChangesAndPropagate(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Clear pending changes
- deleteProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Delete the project from database.
- deleteProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Delete the given project
- deleteResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Delete the given resource
- deleteResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Permanently delete a resource
- deleteResourceOrRef(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
Delete the resource / resource reference from database.
- deleteRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamRoleDao
Delete the role from database.
- deleteRole(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Delete role
- deleteRole(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Delete a role
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given card.
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given card.
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given card.
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given project.
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given project.
- deleteSharingLinkTokensByProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Delete all sharing link tokens for the given project.
- deleteStickyNoteLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.StickyNoteLinkDao
Delete the link from database.
- deleteStickyNoteLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
Delete a link
- deleteTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Delete team member from database
- deleteTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Delete the given team member
- deleteTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Delete a team member
- deleteTextDataBlock(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
Delete the given block
- deleteToken(Token) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Delete the token from database.
- DeletionManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common
Handles the specific logic of the deletion process for any ColabEntity
- DeletionManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
- DeletionStatus - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
Enumeration of the different states of deletion.
- destroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ApplicationLifecycle
- destroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.StaticContentCacheControlFilter
- destroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonDecoder
- destroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonEncoder
- destroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonWsMessageListDecoder
- discardResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Discard the resource (or reference) so that it cannot be visible anymore
- discardResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Make a resource (or reference) not active = not visible anymore
- Document - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
Any document.
- Document() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- DOCUMENT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
from a document
- DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
Name of the document/resource sequence
- DocumentDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document
Document persistence
- DocumentDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
- DocumentFile - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
Document referencing a file stored internally
- DocumentFile() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- DocumentFileRestEndPoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
EndPoint to managed hosted files
- DocumentFileRestEndPoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentFileRestEndPoint
- DocumentManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Document specific logic
- DocumentManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
- DocumentRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
REST document controller
- DocumentRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
- DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser(User) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser
Create a are teammate statement
- doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.StaticContentCacheControlFilter
- DONE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
It has been converted with success
- doUsersHaveCommonProject(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Do the two users have common project ?
- doUsersHaveCommonProject(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Do the two users have common project ?
- DROP_OLD_HTTP_SESSIONS - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Drop expired http session
- DROP_OLD_URL_METADATA - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Clean url metadata cache
- dropOldHttpSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CronTab
each midnight, clear expired sessions
- dropOldUrlMetadata() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CronTab
each 00:30, clean outdated UrlMetadata
- duplicateDataIntoJCR() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
Duplicate the data in the JCR.
- duplicateLexicalData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
Duplicate the data in the Lexical YJS service.
- duplicateProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
Duplicate the given project.
- duplicateProject(Long, DuplicationParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Duplicate the given project with the given parameters to fine tune the duplication
- duplicateProject(Long, String, DuplicationParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Duplicate the given project
- duplicateResource(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
Duplicate the given resource.
- DuplicationManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Duplication of colab entities.
- DuplicationManager(DuplicationParam, ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper, FileManager, CardContentManager) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.DuplicationManager
- DuplicationParam - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
All we need to fine tune a duplication
- DuplicationParam() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- EjbExceptionMapper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception
Intercept exception and send them back to client with correct HTTP status.
- EjbExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.EjbExceptionMapper
- EMAIL_SUBJECT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
Email subject
- EMAIL_SUBJECT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
Email subject
- EmailableToken - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token that can be sent by email
- EmptyChannelBuilder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.EmptyChannelBuilder
- encode(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonEncoder
Serialize object using
- encodePath(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Encode path as URI component
- EntityGatheringBagForPropagation - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Transaction sidekick used to collect updated and deleted entities.
- EntityGatheringBagForPropagation() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
- EntityHelper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools
Helper to normalize common operations on WithId objects
- EntityListener - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools
JPA Entity listener defined in orm.xml
- EntityListener() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
- equals(WithId, Object) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityHelper
implementation for all WithId implementation. - equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card.CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.And
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Not
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Or
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
Channel equals if they both refer to the same blockId
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
Channel equals if they both refer to the same user
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
Channel equals if they both refer to the same projectId
- equals(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
Channel equals if they both refer to the same user
- ERROR - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
It could not be converted.
- eval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Condition
Evaluate the condition
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Resolve to concrete type and return all transitive references too.
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Resolve to concrete resource and return all transitive references too.
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- expand() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- ExpirationPolicy - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
Expiration policies available for a token.
- ExternalDataManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
To deal with external data
- ExternalDataManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ExternalDataManager
- ExternalDataRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
- ExternalDataRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ExternalDataRestEndpoint
- ExternalLink - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
Document referenced by a link to an external system
- ExternalLink() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- extractReferencesFromUp(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Create a resource reference for each resource / resource reference of the parent.
- extractReferencesFromUp(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Create a resource reference for each resource / resource reference of the parent.
- extractReferencesFromUp(CardTypeRef) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Create a resource reference for each resource / resource reference of the parent.
- FileManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Handles DocumentFiles instances both DB and JCR persistence
- FileManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
- filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.RequestFilter
Intercept request and make sure a httpSession is bound to the request
- filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFilter
Intercept request and make sure current user has access to targeted class and method
- filter(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.CookieFilter
Intercept request and make sure a httpSession is bound to the request
- filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.CacheControlFilter
Intercept response and make sure Cache-Control header is set.
- filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.RequestFilter
Intercept response, save httpSession in sessions cache and make sure set-cookie header is set
- filter(ContainerRequestContext, ContainerResponseContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.CookieFilter
Intercept response, save httpSession in sessions cache and make sure set-cookie header is set
- filterByAuthor(List<Change>, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Filter list of change and return only those which match the given live session
- findAbstractCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Find a card type by id
- findAccount(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.AccountDao
Find an account by id
- findActivityFlowLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.ActivityFlowLinkDao
Find a link by id
- findAllAdmin() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Retrieve the list of all admin user from database
- findAllCronJobLogs() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring.CronJobLogDao
Get all cronJobLogs
- findAllGlobalModels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get the list of all global project
- findAllProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get the list of all project
- findAllReferences(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
Retrieve all resources which transitively references the given target
- findAllUsers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Find all users
- findBlock(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
- findCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardDao
Find a card by id
- findCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardContentDao
Find a card content by id
- findCopyParamByProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.CopyParamDao
Get the copy parameter of a project id
- findCronJobLogByName(CronJobLogName) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring.CronJobLogDao
Find a cronJobLog by name
- findCurrentUserReadableProjectsCardTypesIds() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the id of the all the card types the current user can read.
- findDirectReferences(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Retrieve the card type references that have the given target
- findDirectReferences(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
Retrieve the resources references that have the given target
- findDirectReferencesIdsOf(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Retrieve the direct references ids of each card type or reference.
- findDocument(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
Find a document by id
- findExpiredHttpSessions() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.HttpSessionDao
Get list of http session inactive for at least 1 week
- findGlobalCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Get the list of global card types
- findGlobalPublishedCardTypeIds() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the ids of the global (not in a project) published card types.
- findHttpSession(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.HttpSessionDao
Find a persisted HttpSession by id
- findIdsOfProjectCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Retrieve the ids of the card types directly linked to a project the user is a team member of
- findIdsOfProjectsCurrentUserIsInstanceMakerFor() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve the ids of the projects the current user is an instance maker for.
- findIdsOfProjectsCurrentUserIsMemberOf() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve the ids of the projects the current user is a member of.
- findIdsOfProjectsReadableThroughCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve the ids of the project for which the current user can read at least one local card type or reference
- findIdsOfPublishedGlobalCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Get the list of the id of the published global card types
- findIfUserAreTeammate(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Are two user team-mate?
- findIfUsersHaveCommonProject(User, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Do two users work with a common project ?
- findInstanceableModelsForCurrentUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve all projects the current user is an instance maker for
- findInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.InstanceMakerDao
Find an instance maker by id
- findInstanceMakerByProjectAndUser(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Find the instance maker linked to the given project and the given user.
- findInstanceMakerByProjectAndUser(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.InstanceMakerDao
Find the instance maker who match the given project and the given user.
- findInvitationByProjectAndRecipient(Project, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find if a pending invitation has already been sent to recipient to join the project
- findInvitationByTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find all pending invitation for a teamMember and a project
- findLocalAccountByEmail(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.AccountDao
Return the local account which matches the given email address
- findLocalAccountByIdentifier(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Find local account by identifier.
- findMemberByProjectAndUser(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Find the teamMember who match the given project and the given user.
- findMemberByProjectAndUser(Project, User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Find the teamMember who match the given project and the given user.
- findMemberByUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Find the teamMembers related to the given user
- findModelSharingByInstanceMaker(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find model sharing tokens related to an instanceMaker
- findModelSharingByProjectAndRecipient(Project, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find if a pending model sharing token has already been sent to recipient to join the project
- findProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Find a project by id
- findProjectIdsFromCardTypeIds(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Retrieve the ids of the projects owning any card type or reference.
- findProjectIdsOf(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Retrieve the projects owning the card types or references.
- findProjectsByInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get all projects the user is an instance maker for
- findProjectsByTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get all projects the user is a team member of
- findProjectsIdsByInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get the ids of the models the user is an instance maker for
- findProjectsIdsByTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Get the ids of the projects the user is a team member of
- findProjectsWhereTeamMember() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Retrieve all projects the current user is a team member of
- findPublishedGlobalCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Get the list of published global card types
- findPublishedProjectCardTypes(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Get the list of non-global published card types accessible to the current user
- findResetTokenByAccount(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find any ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken linked to the given account.
- findResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
- findRole(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamRoleDao
Find a role by id
- findSharingLinkByCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find sharing link tokens related to a card
- findSharingLinkByProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find sharing link tokens related to a project (regardless of if a card is specified or not)
- findStickyNoteLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.StickyNoteLinkDao
Find a link by id
- findTargetIdsOf(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Retrieve the direct target of each card type or reference.
- findTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Find a team member by id
- findTextDataBlock(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
Find a text data block by id
- findToken(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find a token by id
- findUser(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Find a user by id
- findUserByUsername(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Find a user by username
- findVerifyTokenByAccount(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Find any VerifyLocalAccountToken linked to the given account.
- flush() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Synchronize the persistence context to the underlying database.
- flush() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxSync
Force sending websocket messages now
- FONT_AWESOME_REGULAR - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.IconLibrary
Font Awesome regular
- FONT_AWESOME_SOLID - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.IconLibrary
Font Awesome solid
- ForAdminChannelsBuilder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ForAdminChannelsBuilder
- forceLogout(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Force session logout
- forceLogout(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Force HTTP session logout
- from(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Set sender address
- generateHexSalt(int) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Same as
but return salt as hex string - generateSalt(int) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Generate secure random bytes
- generateSharingLinkToken(Project, Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Create a token to share the project.
- generateSharingLinkToken(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Create a token to share the project.
- generateSharingLinkToken(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Create a token to share the project.
- getAbstractCardType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getAbstractCardTypeId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
get the id of the card type / card type reference to which an abstract resource is linked.
- getAbstractCardTypeId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getAbstractResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the resource or resource reference identified by the given id
- getAccount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Get the account linked to this session.
- getAccountId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getAccounts() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getActiveHttpSessions() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Get all active HTTP session for the current user
- getActivityDate() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Get last known activity date.
- getActivityDate(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Get effective activity date for account
- getActivityFlowLinkAsNext(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all activity flow links of which the given card is the next one
- getActivityFlowLinkAsPrevious(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all activity flow links of which the given card is the previous one
- getActivityFlowLinks(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get all activity flow links belonging to the given project
- getActivityFlowLinks(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all activity flow links belonging to a project
- getActivityFlowLinksAsNext() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getActivityFlowLinksAsNext(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get all activity flow links of which the card is the next one
- getActivityFlowLinksAsPrevious() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getActivityFlowLinksAsPrevious(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get all activity flow links of which the card is the previous one
- getAffiliation() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getAffiliation() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Get the value of affiliation
- getAgreedTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getAliveSubCards(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
- getAllCardContents(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all cardContents
- getAllCards(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get a card and all cards within in one set.
- getAllCronJobLogs() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.CronJobLogRestEndpoint
Get all cron job logs
- getAllCurrentUserAccounts() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Get all accounts owned by the current user
- getAllGlobalCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Retrieve the list of all global card types.
- getAllGlobalModels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all global models
- getAllProjects() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Retrieve the list of all projects.
- getAllUsers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Get all users
- getAndAssertHttpSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get the current HTTPSession or fails with authenticationRequired exception
- getAndValidate(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Get a persisted session.
- getAssignmentByMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the assignments which match the given member
- getAssignments() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get assignments list
- getAssignments() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get the list of assignments
- getAssignments() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Get the list of assignments
- getAssignments(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Retrieve the list of assignments for the given card
- getAssignments(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Retrieve the list of assignments for the given card
- getAssignmentsByRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the assignments which match the given role
- getAssignmentsForCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
Get assignments list for the given card
- getAssignmentsForCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get assignments related to the given card
- getAssignmentsForCardAndTeamMember(Card, TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
Get assignments list for the given card and the given team member
- getAssignmentsForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
Retrieve the assignments related to the given project
- getAssignmentsForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get Assignments related to the given project
- getAtClass() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Get the JSON discriminator
- getAtId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
The object id.
- getAuthenticationAttempt(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Get history of failed authentication attempts for an account
- getAuthenticationMethod(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Which authentication method and parameters should a user use to authenticate.
- getAuthMethod(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Get the authentication method and its parameters a user shall use to authenticate with the given email address.
- getBasedOn() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Get the revision hash this change is based on
- getBaseProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getBaseUrl() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get request base url
- getBcc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the bcc.
- getBlockId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
Get id
- getBlockId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Get the project id
- getBlockId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
ID of the block this channel is about
- getBody() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the body.
- getBuildImages() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Get name of the running docker image
- getBuildNumber() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.VersionDetails
Get the value of buildNumber.
- getBuildNumber() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Get build number
- getByParent(List<Change>, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get changes which are direct children of given parent
- getByParentAndSession(List<Change>, Change) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get changes which are direct children of the given parent, authored by the same live-session.
- getByRevision(List<Change>, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get change by revision
- getCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get the card
- getCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get card identified by the given id
- getCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Get card content identified by the given id
- getCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
get the id of the card content to which an abstract resource is linked.
- getCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of cardContentId
- getCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getCardContents() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Get the value of cardContents
- getCardContents(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get all cardContents of the given project
- getCardContentsOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all cardContents belonging to a project
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
get the id of the card to which this content belongs.
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
get the id of the card to which an abstract resource is linked.
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get id of the card, for serialization only
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of cardId
- getCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getCards() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Get the value of cards
- getCards(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get all cards of the given project
- getCardsOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all cards belonging to a project
- getCardType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Get card type identified by the given id
- getCardTypeId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
get the id of the card type.
- getCardTypes(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get all card types of the given project
- getCardTypesOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all card types belonging to a project
- getCategory() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getCategory() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getCc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the cc.
- getCellAt(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Get the cell at the position if any
- getChanges(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ChangeRestEndpoint
Get all pending changes for given block.
- getChannel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
Deprecated.Get the value of channel
- getChannel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
Get the value of channel
- getChannelId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Get id channel
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Project if propagated through its own overview channel.
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithWebsocketChannels
Get the channels this entity shall be sent through.
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
- getChannelsBuilder() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
get the channels builder
- getChannelType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
get channel type.
- getClientSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getColabBaseUrn(WebsocketChannel) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Get base urn to identify websocket channel.
- getColabSessionId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Get http session id
- getColor() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getCommonname() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Short display name to use
- getCompletionLevel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getCompletionMode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getConditionResult(Conditions.Condition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get the cached condition result
- getConfig() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.config.ConfigurationManager
Get account-related configuration.
- getConfig() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.ConfigRestEndpoint
Get account-related configuration
- getContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
Get the value of content
- getContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get initial "root" content
- getContentType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Get the MIME type
- getContentVariants() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getContentVariants(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all variants content for the given card
- getContentVariantsOfCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get all card content variants of a card
- getContext() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the context
- getCopyParam(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
- getCopyParam(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get the copy parameters of the project
- getCount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
Deprecated.Get the value of count
- getCounter() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFailure
Get the number of failed attempt in a row
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getCreateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getCreateCondition() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithPermission
Get the condition required to persist this entity
- getCreatedBy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the name of the user who created the entity
- getCreationTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the timestamp of the creation
- getCurrentAccount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get the current authenticated account
- getCurrentAccount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Return the current authenticated account.
- getCurrentClientHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getCurrentDbHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getCurrentUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get the current authenticated user
- getCurrentUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Return the current authenticated user.
- getCurrentUserActiveHttpSessions() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Get all session linked to the current user
- getCurrentUserExpandedPublishedProjectTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Expand all type that belong to a project and the current user has access to
- getDate() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
Get the value of date
- getDate() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Get the date
- getDbSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getDebugStatement() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
Get debug code
- getDefaultAdminEmail() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
get the default admin email address
- getDefaultAdminPassword() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Get the default admin password
- getDefaultAdminUsername() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Get default admin username.
- getDefaultHashMethod() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
- getDefaultRandomAuthenticationMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Get default hash method with random salt
- getDeleteCondition() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithPermission
Get the condition required to delete this entity
- getDeleted() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
Get the list of deleted objects
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Get the deletion status
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getDeletionStatus() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithDeletionStatus
Get the deletion status :
- getDeliverables() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getDeliverablesOfCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Get the deliverables of the card content
- getDeliverablesOfCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Get the deliverables of the card content
- getDescription() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getDescription() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getDestinationCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getDestinationCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the destination card.
- getDestinationCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getDiff() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
Get the value of diff
- getDirectAbstractResources() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getDirectAbstractResources() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getDirectAbstractResources() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getDirectAbstractResources() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resourceable
- getDirectAbstractResourcesOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Get the resources directly linked to the given project.
- getDirectAbstractResourcesOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the resources directly linked to the given project.
- getDisplayLocalAccountButton() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Show create an account or not?
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Get the display name
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get the value of displayName
- getDisplayName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
get most preferred name to display.
- getDockerImages() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.VersionDetails
Get the value of dockerImages
- getDocument(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Get the document identified by the given id
- getDocumentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of documentId
- getDocumentList(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Retrieve the list of documents the given document is part of
- getDocuments() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- getDocuments() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getDocumentsOfResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Get the documents of the resource
- getDocumentsOfResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the documents of the resource
- getDownloadFileInfo(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Builds a well formatted response with a stream to the content and correct content headers
- getDuplicationParam() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getEffectiveLevel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
Get the value of effectiveLevel
- getElementsToBeDefined() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getEmail() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getEmail() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getEmailBody(String) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.EmailableToken
- getEmailBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- getEmailBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getEmailBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- getEmailBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- getEpochTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.TermsOfUseManager
Get Terms of Use and Data Policy timestamp as Epoch Time
- getErasedBy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the name of the user who erased the entity (moved it to bin)
- getErasureTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the timestamp of the erasure of the entity (when it was moved to bin)
- getExistingChannels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Get list of all occupied channels.
- getExistingChannels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Get the list of all occupied channels.
- getExpandedCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Get the abstract card type and expand it
- getExpandedCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Retrieve the abstract card type and its chain of targets until the card type.
- getExpandedProjectTypes(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Expand project own types.
- getExpandedResourcesForAbstractCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the abstract resources directly linked to an abstract card type and all the chain of references to the concrete resource
- getExpandedResourcesForCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the abstract resources directly linked to a card and all the chain of references to the concrete resource
- getExpandedResourcesForCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Retrieve the abstract resources directly linked to a card content and all the chain of references to the concrete resource
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Get the value of expirationDate
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Does it have to be destroyed after one consumption, or can it live indefinitely.
- getExpirationPolicy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- getExplainingStickyNoteLink() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getExplanation() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getExplanation() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getExplanationId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the explanation.
- getFileContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentFileRestEndPoint
Get the file's content and meta data
- getFileName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- getFileSize() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- getFileStream(Project, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
- getFileStream(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Retrieves the file content.
- getFirstname() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getFirstname() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getFrom() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the from.
- getGuestsEmail() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getHash() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getHashedPassword() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
get the stored hashedPassword to challenge authentication against
- getHashedToken() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Get the value of hashedToken
- getHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Get the value of hashMethod
- getHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getHeight() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
Get the height
- getHeight() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- getHeight() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getHttpSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get the current httpSession.
- getHttpSessions() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Get the list of httpSession this account is using
- getIconBkgdColor() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- getIconKey() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- getIconLibrary() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- getId() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCellWithId
Get the id of the cell
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- getId() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.TokenWithURL
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
- getId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
- getIdentifier() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
- getIllustration() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getIllustration() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getImplementingCards() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getIndex() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getIndex() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithIndex
- getIndexEntryPayload() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
- getIndexEntryPayload() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithWebsocketChannels
Get the payload to embed within an IndexEntry
- getIndexEntryPayload() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
- getInstanceableModels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all projects the current user is an instance maker for
- getInstanceMaker() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getInstanceMaker(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.InstanceMakerRestEndpoint
Get an instanceMaker by id
- getInstanceMakers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getInstanceMakersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Retrieve all instanceMakers for a project
- getInstanceMakersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.InstanceMakerRestEndpoint
Get the instanceMakers of the project
- getInvolvementLevel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get the involvement level
- getJcrMongoDbUri() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getJcrRepositoryFileSizeLimit() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Get the value of getJcrRepositoryFileSizeLimit
- getJcrRepositoryFileSizeLimit() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getJcrRepositoryProjectQuota() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getJobName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- getKeyword() - Method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.LexicalDataOwnershipKind
- getL() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
get length.
- getLastname() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getLastname() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getLastRunTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- getLastSeen() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getLastSeenAt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getLevel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
Get the value of level
- getLexicalConversion() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getLexicalConversion() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- getLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Get link identified by the given id
- getLink(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Get link identified by the given id
- getLiveSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
The live session who authored this change
- getLocalAccount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
Get the value of localAccount
- getLocalAccount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
Get the value of localAccount
- getLoggerLevel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LoggerLevelPayload
Get the level
- getLoggerLevels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.MonitoringManager
Descriptor all known co.LAB logger by providing their current level.
- getLoggerLevels() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.MonitoringRestEndpoint
Get the description of all known co.LAB logger by providing their current level.
- getLoggerName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LoggerLevelPayload
Get the logger name
- getMandatoryHash() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
- getMandatoryMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
- getMember() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get the value of member
- getMemberId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get id of the member, for serialization only
- getMembers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Get members
- getMessage() - Method in exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.exceptions.ColabMergeException
- getMessages() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.PrecomputedWsMessages
Get messages that should be sent.
- getMetadata() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Get the metadata
- getMicrochanges() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Get microchanges
- getMimeType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- getMimeType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getMimeType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the mimeType.
- getModificationTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the timestamp of the most recent modification
- getModifiedBy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Get the name of the last user who changed the entity
- getMonitoringData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
get data to monitor block with pending changes
- getMonitoringData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ChangeRestEndpoint
get data to monitor block with pending changes
- getName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Get role name
- getName() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getNewClientSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getNewSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
- getNextCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getNextCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
get the id of the card to handle after.
- getNextClientHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getNextDbHashMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- getNode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Get a node
- getNotExpiredToken(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Fetch token with given id from DAO.
- getO() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
Get offset
- getOptionalHash() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
- getOptionalMethod() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
- getOwner() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getOwningCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getOwningCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getOwningResource() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getOwningResourceId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getParent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getParentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
get the id of the parent card content.
- getPayload() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
Get payload
- getPendingChanges() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get the list of pending changes
- getPendingChanges(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Get all pending changes for the given block
- getPosition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get the hierarchical position of the member
- getPresenceList(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
Get presence list for the current project
- getPreviousCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getPreviousCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
get the id of the card to handle before.
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the project this card belongs to.
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
Get the project this content belongs to
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Get the project this content belongs to
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
Get the project this document belongs to
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
Get the project it belongs to
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
Get the project it belongs to
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
If team member is set, return the associated project.
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
If instance maker is set, return the associated project
- getProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference
Get the value of project
- getProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get project identified by the given id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
get the project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
get the project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
get the project model id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
get the project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
get the project id.
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of projectId
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- getProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
ID of the project this channel is about
- getProjectPresence(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.PresenceRestEndpoint
get the presence list for the current project.
- getProjectRoles(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Get all the roles defined in the given project
- getProjectsWhereTeamMember() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all projects the current user is a team member of
- getPublishedCardTypesOfReachableProjects() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Retrieve the list of published card types accessible to current user.
- getPublishedGlobalsCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Retrieve the list of published global card types.
- getPurpose() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- getPurpose() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- getPurposeId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
get the id of the purpose.
- getPurposingCardType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getQuota() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Gets projects quota
- getQuotaUsage(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentFileRestEndPoint
Retrieves a project's disk space file usage and the maximum authorized quota
- getRawSessionSecret() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Get the raw secret.
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getReadCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getReadCondition() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithPermission
Get the condition required to read this entity
- getRecipient() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
Email address to send the invitation to
- getRecipient() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
URL to redirect the user to once the token has been consumed.
- getRedirectTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- getRefreshedUrlMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ExternalDataRestEndpoint
Get refreshed cached metadata
- getReplyTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the replyTo.
- getRepository() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrRepository
Get the JCR repository
- getRequestContext() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
get the requestContext
- getResourceChainForAbstractCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the resources linked to the card type or reference.
- getResourceChainForCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the resources linked to the card.
- getResourceChainForCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the resources linked to the card content.
- getResourceExternalReferences(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Get the list of project which reference the given resource, excluding the project which owns the resource.
- getResourceExternalReferences(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get the list of project which reference the given resource, excluding the project which owns the resource.
- getRevision() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
Get the value of revision
- getRevision() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get the revision
- getRevision() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
the review to which this change leads.
- getRevision() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
Get the value of revision
- getRole() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get the value of role
- getRole(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get a role
- getRoleByName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Get a role by its name
- getRoleId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get id of the role, for serialization only
- getRoleIds() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get ids of the roles.
- getRoles() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Get the value of roles
- getRoles() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get roles
- getRootCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getRootCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get the root card of the given project
- getRootCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Get the value of rootCardId
- getRootCardOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get the root card of the project
- getRootCardProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the project this card is root of.
- getRootCardProjectId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
get the id of the rootCardProject.
- getSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
- getSalt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getSelectionEnd() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of selectionEnd
- getSelectionStart() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of selectionStart
- getSender() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
Get sender name
- getSender() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Get JCR session
- getSession() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSignOutMessage
- getSession(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSessionManager
Get a session to the project workspace.
- getSession(String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
Get session by its id
- getSessionId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSessionIdentifier
- getSessionId(Session) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
Get id by session
- getSessionSecret() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getSmtpAuth() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Does the SMTP server requires authentication ?
- getSmtpDomain() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
domain name
- getSmtpHost() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getSmtpPassword() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getSmtpPort() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getSmtpStartTls() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Should start TLS or not?
- getSmtpUsername() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getSrc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getSrcCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getSrcCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getSrcCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the source card content.
- getSrcCardContentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getSrcCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the source card.
- getSrcCardId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getSrcDocument() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getSrcDocumentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the source document.
- getSrcDocumentId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getSrcResourceOrRef() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getSrcResourceOrRefId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
get the id of the source resource / resource reference.
- getSrcResourceOrRefId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getStartTime() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Return the time the request started
- getStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
status of the live-edition
- getStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getStatus() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.MonitoringRestEndpoint
Simple dummy method which return 200 OK
- getStickyNoteLinkAsDest(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all sticky note links of which the given card is the destination
- getStickyNoteLinkAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Get all sticky note links of which the given document is the source
- getStickyNoteLinkAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Get all sticky note links whose source is the given resource / resource reference
- getStickyNoteLinkAsSrcCard(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Get all sticky note links of which the given card is the source
- getStickyNoteLinkAsSrcCardContent(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Get all sticky note links whose source is the given card content
- getStickyNoteLinksAsDest() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getStickyNoteLinksAsDest(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get all sticky note links of which the card is the destination
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteSourceable
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Get all sticky note links where the card content is the source
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Get all sticky note links of which the card is the source
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Get all sticky note links where the document is the source
- getStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Get all sticky note links where the resource / resource reference is the source
- getStringifiedColabStackTrace() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Export the current colab-only stack trace to string.
- getStringifiedColabStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Dump the colab-only stack trace to string from given throwable.
- getStringifiedStackTrace() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Export the current stack trace to string.
- getStringifiedStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Dump the stack trace to string from given throwable.
- getStructure(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Get project whole structure
- getStructureOfProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Get all cards, cardContents and structure of a project in one shot.
- getSubCards() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getSubCards(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Get all sub cards of a given card content
- getSubCards(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Get all sub cards
- getSubject() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.EmailableToken
- getSubject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- getSubject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- getSubject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- getSubject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- getSubject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the subject.
- getSubscriptionsCount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CdiBridgeSingleton
Bridge to
- getSubscriptionsCount() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Get the list of occupied channels this instance is in charge.
- getSynchronizer() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Get the synchronizer
- getT() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
get type
- getTags() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
Get tags
- getTags() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
Get tags
- getTarget() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
get the card type (or card type reference) this reference aims at
- getTarget() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- getTargetClass() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Get the JSON discriminator
- getTargetId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
The object id.
- getTargetId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
get the id of the card type (or card type reference) this reference aims at.
- getTargetId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
get the id of the resource (or resource reference) this reference aims at.
- getTeamMember() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
Get the teamMember for which the invitation is pending.
- getTeamMember(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get a TeamMember
- getTeamMemberId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
Get the value of teamMemberId
- getTeamMembers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
get team members
- getTeamMembers(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Get all members of the given project
- getTeamMembersByPosition(HierarchicalPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Get all members with given position
- getTeamMembersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Get the members of the given project
- getTeamMembersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get the members of the project team
- getTeamRolesForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Get the team roles defined in the given project
- getTeamRolesForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Get the team roles defined in the given project
- getTeaser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- getTeaser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getTeaser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getTeaser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- getTeaserId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
get the id of the teaser.
- getTeasingResource() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getTermsOfUseDate() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getTermsOfUseTimeEpoch() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.security.SecurityRestEndPoint
Get the last timestamp when the Terms of Use and Data Policy were updated as a unix timestamp
- getTextData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFailure
Get instant of first failed attempt
- getTimestamp() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.TermsOfUseManager
Get Terms of Use and Data Policy timestamp as OffsetDateTime
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
Get human description
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the value of title
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- getTitle() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- getTo() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
Get the to.
- getToken(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token.TokenRestEndpoint
Fetch a token by id.
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Get the tracking data
- getTrackingData() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithTrackingData
Get the tracking data
- getType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Get the type of request
- getType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- getType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- getUpdateCondition() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithPermission
Get the condition required to update this entity
- getUpdated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
- getUrl() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- getUrlMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ExternalDataManager
Get cached Url metadata.
- getUrlMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ExternalDataRestEndpoint
Fetch metadata for the given url.
- getUrn() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
- getUrn() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
- getUrn() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
- getUrn() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
- getUrn() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.WebsocketChannel
Get uniform resource name
- getUsage() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference
Get the value of usage
- getUsage(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Computes the current disk space usage of a given project
- getUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- getUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- getUser() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- getUserAgent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Get the value of userAgent
- getUserById(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Find a user by id
- getUserById(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Return the current authenticated user.
- getUserId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
get the user id.
- getUserId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
get the user id.
- getUserId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Return the id of the account owner
- getUserId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
Get the value of userId
- getUsername() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- getUsername() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Get user's username.
- getUsersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Retrieve all users of the instanceMakers
- getUsersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Retrieve all users of the team members
- getUsersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Get the users related to the given project
- getUsersForProject(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Get users related to the given project
- getV() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
Get change value
- getValue() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- getVersion() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.MonitoringRestEndpoint
Get current version
- getVersionDetails() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.MonitoringManager
Get information about current coLAB version
- getWidth() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
get cell width
- getWidth() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- getWidth() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getWorkspaceRoot() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Get the workspace root node
- getWsSessionId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Get the ws session id
- getWsSessionId() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Get the value of wsSessionId
- getX() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
get the x coordinate
- getX() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- getX() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getY() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
get the y coordinate
- getY() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- getY() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- getYjsApiEndpoint() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Get the value of yjsApiEndpoint
- getYjsInternalUrl() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- getYjsUrlWs() - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
- giveRole(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Give a role to someone.
- giveRoleTo(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Give a role to a member.
- gracefullShutdown() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ApplicationLifecycle
Shutdown everything with grace
- grantAdminRight(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Grant admin right to a user.
- grantAdminRight(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Grant admin right to a user.
- grantAdminRight(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Grant admin right to user identified by given id.
- Grid - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
Utility class to help resolving cell positioning
- Grid() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
- Grid.Coord - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
Simple class to depict a single coord
- GridCell - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
Basic grid cell interface
- GridCellWithId - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
Effective grid cell must provide and id
- GridPosition - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid
Simple grid cell implementation
- GridPosition() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
Build a default grid position, Cell size is 1x1 and position is (1,1).
- GridPosition(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
Build a cell
- GUEST - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
Guests do not have write access unless explicit authorization, but read access to everything
- hasAbstractCardType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- hasCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- hasCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- HasCardReadRight(Card) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
Create a has read access statement
- HasCardReadRight(CardContent) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
Create a has read access statement
- hasCardType() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- HasCardWriteRight(Card) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
Create a has write access statement
- HasCardWriteRight(CardContent) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
Create a has write access statement
- hasFile(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Tells if a file exists for the given identifier
- hash(String) - Method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.InternalHashMethod
compute digest from value.
- hash(String, byte[]) - Method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HashMethod
compute digest from value.If given, the value is prefixed with the salt.
- hash(String, String) - Method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HashMethod
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card.CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.And
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Not
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Or
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
- hashCode() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
- hashCode(WithId) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityHelper
implementation for all WithId implementation - HashMethod - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Hash method supported by the coLAB platform
- hasOwningCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- hasOwningResource() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- hasReadAccess(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Has the current user the right to read the given card ?
- hasReadWriteAccess(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Has the current user read/write access to the given card
- hasRootCardProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- heading(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message heading
- headTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message head title
- HEALTHY - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
everything looks fine
- Helper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api
Some global helper methods
- hextToBytes(String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Convert byte array to hex string
- HierarchicalPosition - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl
Describe the hierarchical position of a team member
- htmlBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Set the message body with a text/html MIME-type
- HttpSession - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
store session related information
- HttpSession() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- HttpSessionDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user
Http session persistence
- HttpSessionDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.HttpSessionDao
- I - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange.Type
- IconLibrary - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
Icon libraries supported by the coLAB platform
- id - Variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Abstract resource ID
- id - Variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
Document ID
- Illustration - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
To store data of the illustration of some item.
- Illustration() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- inc() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.AuthenticationFailure
Increment counter and touch timestamp
- IndexEntry - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
No need to send full object details, @class + id is way sufficient
- IndexEntry() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
- IndexGeneratorHelper<T extends WithIndex> - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Deal with assigning index in a collection.
- IndexGeneratorHelper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Default constructor
- IndexGeneratorHelper(int, int, int) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Constructor with parameters
- IndexWithEmptySlotManager<T extends WithIndex & ch.colabproject.colab.generator.model.interfaces.WithId> - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common
Deal with changing index in a collection.
- IndexWithEmptySlotManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.IndexWithEmptySlotManager
- info(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message additional content
- init() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CdiBridgeSingleton
Initialize the non-CDI bean
- init() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrRepository
Initialize the repository
- init(FilterConfig) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.StaticContentCacheControlFilter
- init(ServletConfig) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ApplicationLifecycle
Initialize application
- init(EndpointConfig) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonDecoder
- init(EndpointConfig) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonEncoder
- init(EndpointConfig) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonWsMessageListDecoder
- initDebugData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Build log message that can be easily used to reproduces the process in a test
- initErasureTrackingData(User) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithTrackingData
Update the erasure tracking data.
- initNewCardContentForCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Initialize a new card content which will be a content of the given card.
- initNewRootCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Initialize a new root card.
- InstanceMaker - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project
An instance maker is a user that can use a project model to initiate a new project
- InstanceMaker() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- InstanceMakerDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project
Instance maker persistence
- InstanceMakerDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.InstanceMakerDao
- InstanceMakerManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team
Logic to manage model sharing
- InstanceMakerManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
- InstanceMakerRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team
REST InstanceMaker controller
- InstanceMakerRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.InstanceMakerRestEndpoint
- INTERNAL - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
Internals have read/write access to everything by default
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card.CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.And
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Condition
Evaluate the condition
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Not
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Or
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable
- internalEval(RequestManager, SecurityManager) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable
- InternalExceptionMapper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception
Intercept exception and send them back to client with correct HTTP status
- InternalExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.InternalExceptionMapper
- InternalHashMethod - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Hash method internally supported by the coLAB platform.
- InvitationMessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools
To build the body of the message to send for an invitation token.
- InvitationToken - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token to invite someone to be a team member of a project.
- InvitationToken() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- invite(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Send invitation
- inviteSomeone(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Send invitation to someone.
- InvolvementLevel - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl
RACI matrix in a RAS form
- isAdmin() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Is the currentUser is an admin or sudo as an admin ?
- isAdmin() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- isAlive(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
- isAuthenticated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Is the request ran by an authenticated user ?
- isAuthenticationRequired() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Get the value of authenticationRequired
- isBroken() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Is the url broken ? It means 404
- IsCardTypeOrRefReadable(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card.CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable
Create a has card type or reference read access statement
- isCardTypeOrRefReadableByCurrentUser(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Has the current user the right to read the card type (/ reference) ?
- IsCopyParamReadable(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable
Create a has project copy parameters read access statement
- isCopyParamReadableByCurrentUser(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Has the current user the right to read the project copy params ?
- isCurrentUserInternalToProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Is the current user internal to the project team?
- IsCurrentUserInternalToProject(Project) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject
Create a "Is current user internal to this project" statement
- IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject(Project) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject
Create a "Is current user member of this project" statement
- isCurrentUserMemberOfTheProjectTeam(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Is the current user member of the team of the given project?
- isCurrentUserOwnerOfTheProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Is the current user the project owner ?
- IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser(User) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser
Create a are teammate statement
- IsCurrentUserThisUser(User) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser
Check who the current user is
- isDeleted(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
- isDeprecated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Get the value of deprecated
- isDeprecated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- isDisplayCreateLocalAccountButton() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Get the value of displayCreateLocalAccountButton
- isDoNotTrackChange() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Get Do-Not-Track-Change value
- isEmailAddress(String) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Check if given address match email address pattern
- isFree(GridCellWithId) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Is the cell position free?
- isFree(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Is the cell position free?
- isFrozen() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
Get the value of frozen
- isGlobalProject() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- isHealthy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
Is the block healthy?
- isInSecurityTx() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Is the thread run in a transaction dedicated to security condition evaluation
- isMakeOnlyCardTypeReferences() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isModel() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- isOrWasGlobal() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- isOrWasPublished() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- isOutdated() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Check is the token is outdated.
- IsProjectReadable(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable
Create a has project read access statement
- isProjectReadableByCurrentUser(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
Has the current user the right to read the project ?
- isPublished() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Get the value of published
- isPublished() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- isPublished() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- isRefused() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- isRequestingForGlory() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- isResetProgressionData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isResidual() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- isSrcCard() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- isSrcCardContent() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- isSrcDocument() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- isSrcResourceOrRef() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- isTransitiveRef(AbstractCardType, AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Is the given ancestor an ancestor of the given child
- isTxDone() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Check if the current transaction is already done
- isVerified() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
has the email address been verified ?
- isWithActivityFlow() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithCardsStructure() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithCardTypes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithDeliverables() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithDeliverables() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- isWithResources() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithResources() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- isWithRoles() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithRoles() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- isWithStickyNotes() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- isWithTeamMembers() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- JCR_MONGO_DB_URI - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Mongo DB access for JCR file storage.
- JCR_MONGO_DB_URI_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default Mongo DB access for JCR file storage.
- JCR_REPOSITORY_MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Maximum file upload size
- JCR_REPOSITORY_MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Maximum file upload size default value
- JCR_REPOSITORY_PROJECT_QUOTA_MB - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Maximum file upload size
- JCR_REPOSITORY_PROJECT_QUOTA_MB_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Maximum file upload size default value
- JcrManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
Manages the persistence of files with JackRabbit Oak
- JcrManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
- JcrRepository - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
Access to the JCR repository
- JcrRepository() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrRepository
- JcrSession - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
- JcrSession(Repository, Project) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Open a JCR session to the repository
- JcrSessionManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
- JcrSessionManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSessionManager
- JcrSynchronizer - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr
To synchronize JCR session with JTA transaction
- JcrSynchronizer(JcrSession) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSynchronizer
Create JCR session synchronizer
- JpaCustomizer - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools
Customize JPA session.
- JpaCustomizer() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.JpaCustomizer
- JsonDecoder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils
Convert JSON-encoded Websocket message received from clients
- JsonDecoder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonDecoder
- JsonEncoder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils
Serialize object as JSON using JSONb
- JsonEncoder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonEncoder
- JsonWsMessageListDecoder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils
Convert JSON-encoded Websocket message received from clients
- JsonWsMessageListDecoder() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonWsMessageListDecoder
- LevelDescriptor - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
Describe the current level of a logger
- LevelDescriptor() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
- LexicalDataOwnershipKind - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
The different kinds of lexical data ownership.
- LINK_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
Link sequence name
- linkHref(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message link href
- linkLabel(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message link label
- LiquibaseProducer - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
LiquiBase Producer.
- LiquibaseProducer() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.LiquibaseProducer
- LiveManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live
Micro Changes Management.
- LiveManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
- LiveResult - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live
- LiveResult() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
- LiveUpdates - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live
Set of pending changes.
- LiveUpdates() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
- loadDep() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.DataSourceDefinitionProvider
Dummy method which do nothin.
- LOCAL_ACCOUNT_BUTTON - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Display "create an account" button or not
- LOCAL_ACCOUNT_BUTTON_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Display "create an account" button or not default value
- LocalAccount - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Password based authentication.
- LocalAccount() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- LoggerLevelPayload - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
Serializable description of a logger level.
- LoggerLevelPayload() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LoggerLevelPayload
- login(Account) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Set the current account.
- logout() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Clear current account and unsubscribe from all websocket channels.
- logout() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Log current user out
- lookup(Class<T>) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.Helper
Lookup instances
- makeNewTextDataBlock() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
- MANUAL - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentCompletionMode
- markAsToDeleteForever(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markCardAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markCardAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markCardContentAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markCardContentAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markProjectAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- markProjectAsToDeleteForever(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Set the deletion status to TO_DELETE.
- MATERIAL_SYMBOLS_OUTLINED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.IconLibrary
Material symbols outlined
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.ColabEntity
Update this object according to values provided by other.
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- mergeToDuplicate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.ColabEntity
Update this object according to values provided by other.
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- mergeToUpdate(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- Message - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp
- Message() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
- MessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp
To build
instances. - MicroChange - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model
A microchange.
- MicroChange() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
- MicroChange.Type - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model
microChange Type
- MODEL - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.ProjectType
A model of project, base to create simple projects
- ModelSharingMessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools
To build the body of the message to send for an model sharing token.
- ModelSharingToken - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token to share a model to a user
- ModelSharingToken() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- MonitoringManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
- MonitoringManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.MonitoringManager
- MonitoringRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring
REST MonitoringRestEndpoint to monitor the system
- MonitoringRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.monitoring.MonitoringRestEndpoint
- moveCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Move a card to a new parent
- moveCard(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Move a card to a new parent
- moveCardAbove(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Move a card to its grandparent card content.
- moveCardAbove(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Move a card into the parent of its parent
- moveDocumentAbove(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the given document above the given reference item
- moveDocumentAbove(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the given document above its futureNextDocId
- moveDocumentBelow(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the given document below the given reference item.
- moveDocumentBelow(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the document one floor up
- moveDocumentDown(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the given document one floor down
- moveDocumentDown(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the given document one floor down
- moveDocumentToBottom(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the document to the bottom
- moveDocumentToBottom(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the document at the bottom
- moveDocumentToTop(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the document to the top
- moveDocumentToTop(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the document at the top
- moveDocumentUp(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.DocumentManager
Move the given document one floor up
- moveDocumentUp(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Move the given document one floor up
- moveItemAfter(T, T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move (or set) the given item after the baseItem.
- moveItemBefore(T, T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move (or set) the given item before the baseItem.
- moveItemToBeginning(T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move (or set) the given item at the beginning of the collection.
- moveItemToEnd(T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move (or set) the given item at the end of the collection.
- moveOneStepAhead(T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move the given item one step ahead from where it is now.
- moveOneStepBehind(T, Collection<T>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.IndexGeneratorHelper
Move an item one step behind from where it is now.
- moveResource(Long, Resourceable, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Move a resource to a new resourceable
- moveResource(Long, String, Long, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Move a resource to a new resourceable.
- moveResource(Long, String, Long, Boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Move a resource to a new resourceable.
- moveTo(GridPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Move the card to the given position
- NEVER - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ExpirationPolicy
Can be used forever
- NO_CACHE_NO_STORE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.CacheControlFilter
Cache-Control value
- NO_NEED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
It does not need to be converted
- NO_OP - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentCompletionMode
no completion at all (no-op)
- nodeExists(Project, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
- nodeExists(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Does a node exist ?
- Not(Conditions.Condition) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Not
Build a NOT statement
- onClose(Session, CloseReason) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
When a client is leaving
- onDestroy(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
Intercept object just before their deletion
- ONE_SHOT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ExpirationPolicy
Is usable only once
- onError(Session, Throwable) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
TO handle errors.
- onLoad(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
Track all reads from database
- onMessage(WsMessage, Session) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
called when client send messages
- onMessagePropagation(PrecomputedWsMessages) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
On Hazelcast event.
- onOpen(Session) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
On new connection.
- onPersist(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
Track all insertions
- onUpdate(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
Track all updates
- Or(Conditions.Condition...) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Or
Build an OR statement
- OWNER - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
owners has full read/write access to the whole project, bypassing any assignment
- owningCardContent - Variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
The card content for which this document is a deliverable
- owningResource - Variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
The resource this document is part of
- PAGAN - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
This has not been converted
- PARAM_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
parameters sequence name
- patchBlock(Long, Change) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Patch a block.
- patchBlock(Long, Change) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ChangeRestEndpoint
Patch a block with a change
- PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512_65536_64 - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HashMethod
PBKDF2 with HMAC SHA-512, 65536 iterations generates 64 bytes (ie.
- persistAbstractCardType(T) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Persist a brand new card type to database
- persistActivityFlowLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.ActivityFlowLinkDao
Persist a brand new link to database
- persistAssignment(Assignment) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.acl.AssignmentDao
Persist a brand-new assignment to database
- persistCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardDao
Persist a brand new card to database
- persistCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardContentDao
Persist a brand new card content to database
- persistCopyParam(CopyParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.CopyParamDao
Persist a brand new copy parameter to database
- persistCronJobLog(CronJobLog) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.monitoring.CronJobLogDao
Persist the cron job log to the database
- persistDocument(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
Persist a brand new document to database
- persistHttpSession(HttpSession) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.HttpSessionDao
Persist a brand new http session to database
- persistInstanceMaker(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.InstanceMakerDao
Persist a brand-new instance maker to database
- persistProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Persist a brand new project to database
- persistResource(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
Persist a brand new resource to database
- persistStickyNoteLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.StickyNoteLinkDao
Persist a brand new link to database
- persistTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Persist a brand-new team member to database
- persistToken(Token) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
Persist the token
- persistUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Persist a brand new user to database
- picture(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message main picture
- postLoad() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
JPA post-load callback.
- postLoad() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
JPA post-load callback.
- PrecomputedWsMessages - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
List of all WsMessages that should be sent through websockets.
- PrecomputedWsMessages() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.PrecomputedWsMessages
- preDestroy() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrRepository
Gracefully close repository on shutdown
- prepare() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Prepare websocket messages
- prepareForCommit() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
make sure to flush all pending operations
- prepareWsMessage(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao, ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder, WsMessage) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketMessagePreparer
Prepare one message for many channels
- prepareWsMessage(UserDao, TeamMemberDao, CardTypeDao, ProjectDao, Set<WithWebsocketChannels>, Set<IndexEntry>) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketMessagePreparer
Prepare all WsUpdateMessage.
- prepareWsMessageForAdmins(UserDao, WsMessage) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketMessagePreparer
Prepare one message on admin channel
- PresenceManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence
To manages user presence
- PresenceManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
- PresenceRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest
API to manage presence
- PresenceRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.PresenceRestEndpoint
- printDebugData() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Print debug message
- process(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Apply all changes.
- process(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Process all pending changes and save new value to database.
- PROCESSED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
no pending changes
- processException(Exception) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.AbstractExceptionMapper
- processMicroChanges(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CdiBridgeSingleton
Bridge to
. - processSubscription(SubscriptionRequest) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Process subscription request
- Project - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project
A project as persisted in database
- Project() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- PROJECT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
- PROJECT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.ProjectType
A simple project
- PROJECT_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Project sequence name
- ProjectConditions - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project
Project access control conditions
- ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project
Has the current user access to the copy parameters of a project ?
- ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project
Has the current user access to the project ?
- ProjectContentChannel - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
A channel to propagate content of a given projectId.
- ProjectContentChannel() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
- ProjectContentChannelBuilder(Project) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ProjectContentChannelBuilder
Create a builder for a project content channel
- ProjectContentChannelBuilder(Long) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.tool.ChannelsBuilders.ProjectContentChannelBuilder
Create a builder for a project content channel
- ProjectCreationData - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean
Bean with everything needed to create a project
- ProjectCreationData() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- ProjectDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project
Project persistence
- ProjectDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
- projectId - Variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
The id of the project (serialization sugar)
- ProjectManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project
Project specific logic
- ProjectManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
- ProjectRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project
REST Project controller
- ProjectRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
- ProjectStructure - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean
Bean to groups the whole project structure
- ProjectStructure() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
- ProjectType - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project
What kind of project it is.
- propagate(PrecomputedWsMessages) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Propagate precomputed message to clients.
- publishResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Publish a resource.
- putCardContentInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Put the given card content in the bin.
- putCardContentInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Put the given card content in the bin.
- putCardInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Put the given card in the bin.
- putCardInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Put the given card in the bin.
- putInBin(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
Put the object in the bin.
- putProjectInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Put the given project in the bin.
- putProjectInBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Put the given project in the bin.
- refreshAndGetUrlMetadata(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ExternalDataManager
Update cache with fresh metadata
- REFUSED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference.Usage
all card(content)s which reference the resource rejected it
- refuseRecursively(ResourceRef) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Mark the resource reference as refused.
- registerConditionResult(Conditions.Condition, Boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Register condition result
- registerDeletion(WithWebsocketChannels) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Register deleted object within the WS JTA synchronizer
- registerDeletion(Collection<? extends WithWebsocketChannels>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Register deleted objects within the WS JTA synchronizer
- registerUpdate(WithWebsocketChannels) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Register updated object within the WS JTA synchronizer.
- registerUpdates(Collection<WithWebsocketChannels>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Register updated objects within the WS JTA synchronizer.
- REJECTED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
This card content has been rejected
- RelatedPosition - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
To define the place of a document
- removeAssignmentLevel(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Remove the level of an assignment level for a card and a member
- removeCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Remove the card type of the card.
- removeCardType(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Remove the card type of the card.
- removeCardTypeRefFromProject(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
Remove the card type use of the project.
- removeCardTypeRefFromProject(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Remove the card type use of the project.
- removeCategory(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Remove the category of the resource / resource reference
- removeCategoryForList(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Remove the category of a list of resources / resource references
- removeDeliverable(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Remove the deliverable of the card content.
- removeDeliverable(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Remove the deliverable of the card content.
- removeDocument(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Remove the document of the resource
- removeDocument(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Remove the document of the resource.
- removeNode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
- removeRole(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Remove a role from someone.
- removeRoleFrom(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Remove a role from some team member.
- renameCategoryForCard(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Rename the category in a card
- renameCategoryForCardContent(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Rename the category in a card content
- renameCategoryForCardType(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Rename the category in a card type / card type reference
- renameCategoryInCard(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
Rename the category in a card
- renameCategoryInCardContent(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
Rename the category in a card content
- renameCategoryInCardType(Long, String, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
Rename the category in a card type / card type reference
- replyTo(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
set reply-to address
- requestEmailAddressVerification(LocalAccount, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Send a "Please verify your email address" message.
- RequestFilter - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter
Extract baseUrl and print log statement for all REST requests.
- RequestFilter() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.filter.RequestFilter
- RequestManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Request sidekick.
- RequestManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
- requestPasswordReset(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
If the given email address is linked to a local account, sent a link to this mailbox to reset the account password.
- requestPasswordReset(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Request a local account password reset.
- resetAuthenticationAttemptHistory(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
clear failed attempts for given account
- resetCell(GridCell) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Reset the cell position and size
- resetErasureTrackingData() - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithTrackingData
Remove the erasure tracking data.
- ResetLocalAccountPasswordMessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools
To build the body of the message to send to reset the local account password.
- ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token to reset the password of a local account
- ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- resetProgression(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Reset progression data of the given card content : status, completion level and frozen
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Resolve to concrete CardType
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
Resolve the reference.
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Resolve to concrete Resource
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- resolve() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- resolveConflicts(Collection<? extends GridCellWithId>) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Process all cells and fix any conflicts
- Resource - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
A resource is a document provided to help the users to fulfill their goals.
- Resource() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- RESOURCE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.LexicalDataOwnershipKind
The lexical data are owned by a resource
- RESOURCE_OR_REF - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
from a resource or ref
- Resourceable - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
Something that can be the owner of a resource.
- ResourceCategoryHelper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Resource and resource reference category specific logic
- ResourceCategoryHelper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceCategoryHelper
- ResourceCreationData - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean
Bean with everything needed to create a resource
- ResourceCreationData() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- ResourceDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document
Resource and resource reference persistence
- ResourceDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
- ResourceExternalReference - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean
Summary of project's use of a resource.
- ResourceExternalReference() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference
- ResourceExternalReference.Usage - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean
usage list
- ResourceManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Resource and resource reference specific logic
- ResourceManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
- ResourceRef - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
A reference to another existing abstract resource.
- ResourceRef() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Resource and resource reference spread specific logic
- ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
- ResourceRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document
REST resource controller
- ResourceRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
- RESPONSIBLE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.InvolvementLevel
Responsible do the work (read/write access).
- restoreCardContentFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardContentManager
Restore from the bin.
- restoreCardContentFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Restore from the bin.
- restoreCardFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardManager
Restore from the bin.
- restoreCardFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Restore from the bin.
- restoreFromBin(ColabEntity) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.common.DeletionManager
Restore the object from the bin.
- restoreProjectFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.project.ProjectManager
Restore from the bin.
- restoreProjectFromBin(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Restore from the bin.
- restoreResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceManager
Restore the resource (or reference) so that it can be visible again
- restoreResourceOrRef(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Make a resource (or reference) active again
- reviveRecursively(ResourceRef) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Mark the resource reference as not residual.
- revokeAdminRight(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
revoke admin right to a user.
- revokeAdminRight(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Revoke admin right to a user.
- revokeAdminRight(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
remove admin right to user identified by given id.
- rollback() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Close the session without saving any changes
- SALT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
a token does not need a salt but, as some HashMethods require one, let's use a hard-coded one
- SAVE_ACTIVITIES_DATE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Persist activity dates to database
- saveActivityDates() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.CronTab
Each minute
- saveAndClose() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrSession
Save and close
- scheduleSaveMicroChanges(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveManager
Schedule changes processing.
- SecurityManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security
To check access rights.
- SecurityManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.security.SecurityManager
- SecurityRestEndPoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.security
REST SecurityRestEndpoint for Terms of Use and Data Policy
- SecurityRestEndPoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.security.SecurityRestEndPoint
- send(Message) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Sendmail
Send mail
- sendDuplicationRequest(Long, LexicalDataOwnershipKind, Long, LexicalDataOwnershipKind) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.YjsLexicalCaller
Send a request to duplicate a lexical data of a source owner to a destination owner
- Sendmail - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp
Helper to send e-mails.
- sendMembershipInvitation(Project, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Send invitation to join the project team to the recipient.
- sendModelSharingToken(Project, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Send a model sharing token to register the project as a model to use
- sendResetPasswordToken(LocalAccount, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Send a "Click here the reset your password" message.
- sendTokenByEmail(EmailableToken, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
Finalize initialization of the token and send it to the recipient.
- SerializationStringWrapper - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils
To use when we want to return a simple string as a result of a REST method.
- SerializationStringWrapper() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- SessionManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
Bean to manage HTTP sessions
- SessionManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
- setAbstractCardType(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setAbstractCardTypeId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
set the id of the card type / card type reference to which an abstract resource is linked.
- setAbstractCardTypeId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setAccount(Account) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set the account linked to this HttpSession
- setAccountId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set authenticated account id
- setAccounts(List<Account>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set user accounts
- setActivityDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set transient activity date
- setActivityFlowLinksAsNext(List<ActivityFlowLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setActivityFlowLinksAsPrevious(List<ActivityFlowLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setAdmin(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- setAffiliation(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setAffiliation(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set the value of affiliation
- setAgreedTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set user agreedTime
- setAssignment(Long, Long, InvolvementLevel) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.AssignmentManager
Set an assignment for a member regarding to a card.
- setAssignment(Long, Long, InvolvementLevel) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Set an assignment for a card and a member
- setAssignments(List<Assignment>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Set the assignments list
- setAssignments(List<Assignment>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Set the list of assignments
- setAssignments(List<Assignment>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Set the list of assignments
- setAtClass(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set the JSON discriminator
- setAtId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
set object id
- setAuthenticationRequired(Boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set the value of authenticationRequired
- setBasedOn(Set<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set the revision this change is based on
- setBaseProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Set the request base url
- setBcc(List<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the bcc
- setBlockId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
set block id
- setBlockId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set block id
- setBlockId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
Set the blockId
- setBody(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the body
- setBroken(Boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Set if the link is broken or not
- setBuildNumber(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.VersionDetails
Set the value of buildNumber
- setCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Set the card
- setCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
set the id of the card content to which an abstract resource is linked.
- setCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of cardContentId
- setCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setCardContents(Set<CardContent>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Set the value of cardContents
- setCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
set the id of the card to which this content belongs.
- setCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
set the id of the card to which an abstract resource is linked.
- setCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- setCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of cardId
- setCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setCards(Set<Card>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Set the value of cards
- setCardType(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setCardTypeId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setCategory(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setCategory(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setCc(List<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the cc
- setChannel(WebsocketChannel) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
Deprecated.Set the value of channel
- setChannel(WebsocketChannel) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
Set the value of channel
- setChannelId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Set id of the channel
- setChannelsBuilder(ChannelsBuilders.ChannelsBuilder) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
set the channels builder
- setChannelType(SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Set the type of channel
- setClientSalt(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Update the salt the client shall use
- setColabSessionId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Set HTTP session id
- setColor(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setCommonname(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- setCompletionLevel(int) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setCompletionMode(CardContentCompletionMode) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setContent(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
Set the value of content
- setContent(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Set initial content
- setContentType(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Set the MIME type.
- setContentVariants(List<CardContent>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setContext(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the context
- setCount(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
Deprecated.Set the value of count
- setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the name of the user who created the entity
- setCreationTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the timestamp of the creation
- setCurrentClientHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
CHange hashedPassword method the client shall use
- setCurrentDbHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Set the method to use to hashedPassword provided password
- setDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
Set the value of date
- setDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Set the date
- setDbSalt(byte[]) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Update the server-side hashedPassword
- setDeleted(Set<IndexEntry>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
Register index of deleted objects
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Set the deletion status
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- setDeletionStatus(DeletionStatus) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithDeletionStatus
Set the deletion status :
- setDeliverables(List<Document>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setDeprecated(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Set the value of deprecated
- setDeprecated(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setDescription(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setDestinationCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setDestinationCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the destination card.
- setDestinationCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setDiff(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
Set the value of diff
- setDirectAbstractResources(List<AbstractResource>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- setDirectAbstractResources(List<AbstractResource>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setDirectAbstractResources(List<AbstractResource>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setDisplayCreateLocalAccountButton(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Set the value of displayCreateLocalAccountButton
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Set the display name
- setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Set the value of displayName
- setDockerImages(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.VersionDetails
Set the value of dockerImages
- setDocumentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of documentId
- setDocuments(List<Document>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setDocuments(List<Document>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setDoNotTrackChange(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Set Do-Not-Track-Change boolean
- setDuplicationParam(DuplicationParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setEffectiveLevel(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
Set the value of effectiveLevel
- setElementsToBeDefined(List<AbstractCardType>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setEmail(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
update email.
- setEmail(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setErasedBy(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the name of the user who erased the entity (moved it to bin)
- setErasureTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the timestamp of the erasure of the entity (when it was moved to bin)
- setExpirationDate(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set the value of expirationDate.
- setExplainingStickyNoteLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- setExplanation(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setExplanation(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setExplanationId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the explanation.
- setFileName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- setFileSize(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- setFirstname(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setFirstname(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set user first name
- setFrom(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the from
- setFrozen(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
Set the value of frozen
- setGlobalProject(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setGuestsEmail(List<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setHash(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setHashedPassword(byte[]) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Update hashedPassword
- setHashedToken(byte[]) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set the value of hashedToken
- setHashedToken(byte[]) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.TokenWithURL
When the token is sent, its hash is changed
- setHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set the value of hashMethod
- setHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.TokenWithURL
When the token is sent, its hash is changed
- setHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
set hash method
- setHealthy(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
Set the block health status
- setHeight(Integer) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
set height
- setHeight(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- setHeight(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setHttpSessionId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Attach id of httpSession to this request
- setHttpSessions(List<HttpSession>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Set the list of httpSession
- setIconBkgdColor(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- setIconKey(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- setIconLibrary(IconLibrary) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
Set id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Set id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
set id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
set id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set user id
- setId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
Set id of indexed object
- setIdentifier(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
Set identifier
- setIllustration(Illustration) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setIllustration(Illustration) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setImplementingCards(List<Card>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- setIndex(int) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setIndex(int) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithIndex
- setInSecurityTx(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Change the inSecurityTx flag
- setInstanceMaker(InstanceMaker) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- setInstanceMakers(List<InstanceMaker>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setInvolvementLevel(InvolvementLevel) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Set the involvement level
- setJcrRepositoryFileSizeLimit(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Set the value of jcrRepositoryFileSizeLimit
- setJobName(CronJobLogName) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
Set cronJob name
- setL(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
set the length
- setLastname(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setLastname(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- setLastRunTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- setLastSeen(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set last activity date
- setLastSeenAt(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
update most recent activity date of the user
- setLevel(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.LevelDescriptor
Set the value of level
- setLexicalConversion(ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setLexicalConversion(ConversionStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setLiveSession(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set the live session who authored this change
- setLocalAccount(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
Set the value of localAccount
- setLocalAccount(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
Set the value of localAccount
- setLocalAccountAsVerified(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Set the account as verified
- setMakeOnlyCardTypeReferences(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setMandatoryHash(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
set hash of current salt+plain_password, hashed with currentMethod
- setMandatoryMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
set Mandatory hash method
- setMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Set the value of member
- setMembers(List<TeamMember>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Set the list of members
- setMessages(Map<WebsocketChannel, List<String>>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.PrecomputedWsMessages
Set messages to send
- setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
Set metadata
- setMicrochanges(List<MicroChange>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set microchanges
- setMimeType(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- setMimeType(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- setMimeType(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the mimeType
- setModificationTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the timestamp of the most recent modification
- setModifiedBy(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
Set the name of the last user who changed the entity
- setName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Set the project name
- setName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Set the name
- setName(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setNewClientSalt(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
set a next client-side salt
- setNewSalt(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
set new salt.
- setNextCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- setNextCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
set the id of the card to handle after.
- setNextClientHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Update the next client-side hashedPassword method
- setNextDbHashMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
change the next hashedPassword method to used
- setO(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
set offset
- setOptionalHash(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthInfo
set optional hash (hashed with nextClientMethod and nextHash)
- setOptionalMethod(HashMethod) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
Set optional method.
- setOwner(Resourceable) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setOwningCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setOwningCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setOwningResource(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setOwningResourceId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setParent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setParentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
set the id of the parent card content.
- setPayload(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
Set the payload
- setPendingChanges(List<Change>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
set the list of pending changes
- setPosition(HierarchicalPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Set hierarchical position of member
- setPreviousCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- setPreviousCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
set the id of the card to handle before.
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- setProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference
Set the value of project
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
set the project id.
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
set the project id.
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
set the project model id.
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
set the project id.
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
set the project id.
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of projectId
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- setProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
Set the projectId
- setPublished(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Set the value of published
- setPublished(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setPublished(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setPurpose(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- setPurpose(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- setPurposeId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
set the id of the purpose.
- setPurposingCardType(CardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- setRawSessionSecret(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set raw secret value
- setRecipient(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
Set the email address to send this invitation to
- setRecipient(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- setRefused(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- setReplyTo(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the replyTo
- setRequestContext(ContainerRequestContext) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Set request context
- setRequestingForGlory(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setResetProgressionData(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setResidual(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- setRevision(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveResult
Set the value of revision
- setRevision(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Set the revision
- setRevision(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Set the revision to which this change leads
- setRevision(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
Set the value of revision
- setRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Set the value of role
- setRoleIds(List<Long>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
The the list of roleId
- setRoles(List<TeamRole>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Set the value of roles
- setRoles(List<TeamRole>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Set the list of roles
- setRootCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setRootCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectStructure
Set the value of rootCardId
- setRootCardProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Set the project this card is the root of
- setRootCardProjectId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
set the id of the rootCard project.
- setSalt(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.AuthMethod
Set the salt to use
- setSalt(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
set the salt
- setSelectionEnd(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of selectionEnd
- setSelectionStart(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of selectionStart
- setSender(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
Set the sender name
- setSender(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSignOutMessage
- setSessionId(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSessionIdentifier
Set session id
- setSessionSecret(byte[]) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set session id
- setSrc(StickyNoteSourceable) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setSrcCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setSrcCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setSrcCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the source card content.
- setSrcCardContentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setSrcCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the source card.
- setSrcCardId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setSrcDocument(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setSrcDocumentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the source document.
- setSrcDocumentId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setSrcResourceOrRef(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setSrcResourceOrRefId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
set the id of the source resource / resource reference.
- setSrcResourceOrRefId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setStartTime(long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
set time the current request started
- setStatus(BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
set status
- setStatus(CardContentStatus) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setStickyNoteLinksAsDest(List<StickyNoteLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(List<StickyNoteLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(List<StickyNoteLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(List<StickyNoteLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- setStickyNoteLinksAsSrc(List<StickyNoteLink>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- setSubCards(List<Card>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setSubject(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the subject
- setSynchronizer(WebsocketTxSync) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.EntityGatheringBagForPropagation
Set the synchronizer
- setT(MicroChange.Type) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
Set change type
- setTags(Set<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
Set tags
- setTags(Set<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
Set the tags
- setTarget(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
- setTarget(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- setTargetClass(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
Set the JSON discriminator
- setTargetId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
set object id
- setTargetId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
set the id of the card type (or card type reference) this reference aims at.
- setTargetId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
set the id of the resource (or resource reference) this reference aims at.
- setTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
set the team member this invitation is for
- setTeamMemberId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
Set the value of teamMemberId
- setTeamMembers(List<TeamMember>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Set team members
- setTeaser(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setTeaser(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setTeaser(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- setTeaser(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- setTeaserId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
set the id of the teaser.
- setTeasingResource(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- setTextData(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring
Set human description
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Set the value of title
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- setTitle(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- setTo(List<String>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.Message
set the value of the to
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.AbstractCardType
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set tracking data
- setTrackingData(Tracking) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithTrackingData
Set the tracking data
- setTxDone(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Mark the current transaction as done or undone
- setType(SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Set type of request
- setType(ProjectType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- setType(ProjectType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- setType(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.IndexEntry
Set type, aka @class
- setUpdated(Set<WithWebsocketChannels>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
Set payload
- setUrl(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- setUsage(ResourceExternalReference.Usage) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference
Set the value of usage
- setUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- setUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- setUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
Set account owner
- setUserAgent(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
Set the value of userAgent
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
set the user id.
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
set the user id.
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.Account
set the id of the account owner.
- setUserId(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
Set the value of userId
- setUsername(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- setUsername(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Change the user username.
- setV(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
set change value.
- setValue(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.SerializationStringWrapper
- setVerified(Boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
Set if the account has been verified or not
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
Set the width
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- setWidth(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setWithActivityFlow(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithCardsStructure(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithCardTypes(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithDeliverables(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithDeliverables(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setWithResources(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithResources(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setWithRoles(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithRoles(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- setWithStickyNotes(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWithTeamMembers(boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.DuplicationParam
- setWsSessionId(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
Set the websocket session id
- setWsSessionId(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
Set the value of wsSessionId
- setX(Integer) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
set the x coordinate
- setX(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- setX(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setY(Integer) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridCell
set the y coordinate
- setY(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.GridPosition
- setY(Integer) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- setYjsApiEndpoint(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.config.bean.ColabConfig
Set the value of yjsApiEndpoint
- SHA_256 - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.InternalHashMethod
SHA 256
- SHA_512 - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.InternalHashMethod
SHA 512
- shareModel(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.InstanceMakerManager
Send a token by email to grant access to use the model.
- shareModel(Long, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.InstanceMakerRestEndpoint
Share the model to someone
- SharingLinkToken - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token to share a project.
- SharingLinkToken() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- shift() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid
Update all cell coordinates to have (xMin,yMin) = (1,1)
- signIn(AuthInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Authenticate with local-account credentials.
- signOut() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Sign out.
- signoutAndUnsubscribeFromAll(HttpSession) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Propagate the logout and unsubscribe from all channels linked to the given http session.
- signup(SignUpInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Create a new user with local account.
- signUp(SignUpInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Create a new local account.
- SignUpInfo - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Contains information sent by a user to create a new local account
- SignUpInfo() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.SignUpInfo
- SMTP_AUTH - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp auth property name
- SMTP_AUTH_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp auth default value
- SMTP_DOMAIN - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp domain property name
- SMTP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp domain default value
- SMTP_HOST - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp host property name
- SMTP_HOST_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp host default value
- SMTP_PASSWORD - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp password property name
- SMTP_PASSWORD_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp password default value
- SMTP_PORT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp port property name
- SMTP_PORT_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp port default value
- SMTP_STARTTLS - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp starttls property name
- SMTP_STARTTLS_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp starttls default value
- SMTP_USERNAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp username property name
- SMTP_USERNAME_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
smtp username default value
- spreadAvailableResourceDown(AbstractResource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Each child of the resource owner acquires a reference to the resource.
- spreadDisableResourceDown(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Disable = mark as residual.
- spreadDisableResourceDown(Resourceable, Resourceable) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Each resource reference of the given owner that is linked to a resource of the given former related is marked as residual.
- spreadDisableResourceDown(Resource, boolean) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Disable = mark as residual.
- StaticContentCacheControlFilter - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup
Set CacheControl No-Cache for static content
- StaticContentCacheControlFilter() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.StaticContentCacheControlFilter
- StickyNoteLink - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link
Link to make an information accessible within a card.
- StickyNoteLink() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- StickyNoteLinkCreationData - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean
Bean with everything needed to create a sticky note link
- StickyNoteLinkCreationData() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- StickyNoteLinkDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link
Sticky note link persistence
- StickyNoteLinkDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.StickyNoteLinkDao
- StickyNoteLinkManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link
Sticky note link specific logic
- StickyNoteLinkManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager
- StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link
Possible source types
- StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link
REST sticky note link controller
- StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
- StickyNoteSourceable - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link
Something that can be the source of a sticky note
- STRUCTURE_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
Name of the project structure sequence
- subheading(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Set the message sub heading
- subject(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Set the message subject
- SUBSCRIBE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType
subscription request
- subscribeToBlockChannel(WsSessionIdentifier, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to subscribe to a block channel.
- subscribeToBlockChannel(Long, WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Subscribe to a BlockChannel.
- subscribeToBroadcastChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to subscribe the broadcast channel
- subscribeToBroadcastChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Subscribe to the broadcast channel
- subscribeToProjectChannel(WsSessionIdentifier, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to subscribe to a project channel.
- subscribeToProjectChannel(Long, WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Subscribe to a ProjectContent channel.
- subscribeToUserChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to subscribe to its own channel.
- subscribeToUserChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Subscribe to the currentUser channel
- SubscriptionRequest - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Subscription request to be propagated through the cluster to reach the instance which is responsible for the given wsSessionId
- SubscriptionRequest() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
- SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
One-to-one mapping to EffectiveChannels
- SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType - Enum in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Subscript or unsubscribe
- sudo(Runnable) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Execute some piece of code with admin privileges.
- sudo(Callable<R>) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.RequestManager
Execute some piece of code with admin privileges and return something.
- SUPPORT - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.InvolvementLevel
Any support
- switchClientHashMethod(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Setup new client hash method to use for the given local account
- switchClientHashMethod(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
ask the user to switch to new hash method on next sign-in.
- switchServerHashMethod(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Setup new server hash method to use for the given local account
- switchServerHashMethod(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
stage new server hash method.
- TEAM_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
project team sequence name
- TeamManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team
Some logic to manage project teams
- TeamManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
- TeamMember - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team
- TeamMember() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- TeamMemberDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team
Team member persistence
- TeamMemberDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
- TeamRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team
REST Teams controller.
- TeamRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
- TeamRole - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team
A role within the development team.
- TeamRole() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- TeamRoleDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team
Team role persistence
- TeamRoleDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamRoleDao
- TERMS_OF_USE_DATE - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Date when the terms of use and data policy was last changed in yyyy-MM-dd format
- TERMS_OF_USE_DATE_DEFAULT_IN_MS - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default date when the terms of use and data policy was last changed in EpochTime (2023-11-24T00:00:00) milliseconds
- TermsOfUseManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.security
To store the last date when the Terms of Use and Data Policy were updated
- TermsOfUseManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.TermsOfUseManager
- TextDataBlock - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document
Container of text data
- TextDataBlock() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- to(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.service.smtp.MessageBuilder
Add a recipient
- TO_DELETE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.DeletionStatus
Ready to be definitively deleted on next deletion run
- TO_VALIDATE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
This card content needs validation
- toDebugStatement() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
Get debug code
- toJson(Object) - Static method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonEncoder
Serialize object using
- Token - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token grants access to a specific action.
- Token() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
- TOKEN_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.Token
token sequence name
- TokenDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token
Token persistence
- TokenDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.token.TokenDao
- TokenManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token
Process tokens
- TokenManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenManager
- TokenMessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token
To build the body of the message to send for a token.
- TokenMessageBuilder(Token) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
- TokenRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token
API to fetch and consume tokens sent by e-mail.
- TokenRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.token.TokenRestEndpoint
- TokenWithURL - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
Interface to extract the data needed to generate a URL.
- toPartialString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.AbstractResource
- toPartialString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- toResponse(Exception) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.InternalExceptionMapper
- toResponse(EJBException) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.utils.exception.EjbExceptionMapper
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.grid.Grid.Coord
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.LiveUpdates
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.Change
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.Card
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContent
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardType
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardTypeRef
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Illustration
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Document
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.DocumentFile
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ExternalLink
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.Resource
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.ResourceRef
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.TextDataBlock
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.ActivityFlowLink
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.link.StickyNoteLink
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLog
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.CopyParam
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.InstanceMaker
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.Project
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.Assignment
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamMember
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.TeamRole
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.InvitationToken
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ModelSharingToken
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ResetLocalAccountPasswordToken
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.SharingLinkToken
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HttpSession
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.LocalAccount
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.bean.CardTypeCreationData
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceCreationData
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.bean.StickyNoteLinkCreationData
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.bean.ProjectCreationData
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.card.CardTypeOrRefConditions.IsCardTypeOrRefReadable
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.And
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.DoCurrentUserWorkOnSameProjectThanUser
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardReadRight
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.HasCardWriteRight
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserInternalToProject
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserMemberOfProject
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserTeamMateOfUser
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.IsCurrentUserThisUser
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Not
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.Conditions.Or
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsCopyParamReadable
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.permissions.project.ProjectConditions.IsProjectReadable
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.ChannelOverview
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BlockChannel
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.BroadcastChannel
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.ProjectContentChannel
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.PrecomputedWsMessages
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsPing
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsPong
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSessionIdentifier
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSignOutMessage
- toString() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
- touch() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxManager
make sure bean exists
- touch(User) - Method in interface ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.WithTrackingData
Update tracking data
- touch(Object) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.tools.EntityListener
Before persist and before update, update tracking data
- touchLastSeenAt() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
Set lastSeenAt to now
- touchUserActivityDate() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Touch activity date for currentAccount
- TouchUserPresence - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model
- TouchUserPresence() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.TouchUserPresence
- Tracking - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common
To store the creation and modification dates as well as the user who initiate the action
- Tracking() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.Tracking
- UNHEALTHY - ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
pending changes are inconsistent
- unpublishResource(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Un-publish a resource.
- unRefuseRecursively(ResourceRef) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.ResourceReferenceSpreadingHelper
Mark the resource reference as not refused.
- UNSUBSCRIBE - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType
Unsubscribe request
- unsubscribeFromAll(Session, String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Clean subscription on session close
- unsubscribeFromBlockChannel(WsSessionIdentifier, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to unsubscribe from a block channel.
- unsubscribeFromBlockChannel(Long, WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Unsubscribe from a BlockContent channel.
- unsubscribeFromBroadcastChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to unsubscribe from the broadcast channel
- unsubscribeFromBroadcastChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Unsubscribe from a the broadcast channel.
- unsubscribeFromProjectChannel(WsSessionIdentifier, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to unsubscribe from a project channel.
- unsubscribeFromProjectChannel(Long, WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Unsubscribe from a ProjectContent channel.
- unsubscribeFromUserChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
Current user wants to unsubscribe from its own channel.
- unsubscribeFromUserChannel(WsSessionIdentifier) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
Unsubscribe from the currentUser channel
- UNUSED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference.Usage
not a single card(content) even references the resource
- updateActivityFlowLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.ActivityFlowLinkDao
Update activity flow link.
- updateBlock(TextDataBlock) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.BlockManager
Update block.
- updateCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardDao
Update card.
- updateCard(Card) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardContentDao
Update card content.
- updateCardContent(CardContent) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardContentRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateCardType(AbstractCardType) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateCardTypeOrRef(T) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.card.CardTypeDao
Update card type.
- updateCopyParam(CopyParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.CopyParamDao
Update copy parameter.
- updateCopyParam(CopyParam) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateCronJobLogLastRunTime(CronJobLogName) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.CronJobLogManager
Update a cronJobLog's lastRunTime
- updateDocument(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.DocumentDao
Update document.
- updateDocument(Document) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateFile(Long, Long, InputStream, FormDataBodyPart) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.DocumentFileRestEndPoint
Overwrites existing file if any
- updateLink(ActivityFlowLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.ActivityFlowLinkRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.link.StickyNoteLinkRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateLocalAccountEmailAddress(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Update the account with values provided in given account.Only field which are editable by users will be impacted.
- updateLocalAccountEmailAddress(LocalAccount) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Update local account
- updateLocalAccountPassword(AuthInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Update password of a localAccount.
- updateOrCreateFile(Project, Long, InputStream) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jcr.JcrManager
- updateOrCreateFile(Long, InputStream) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Update or create the file for the given document
- updateOrCreateFile(Long, Long, InputStream, FormDataBodyPart) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.FileManager
Update an existing document's file content
- updatePassword(AuthInfo) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Update password of the given account.
- updatePosition(Long, HierarchicalPosition) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.team.TeamManager
Update hierarchical position of a member
- updateProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.project.ProjectDao
Update project.
- updateProject(Project) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.project.ProjectRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateResource(Resource) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateResourceOrRef(T) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.document.ResourceDao
Update resource.
- updateResourceRef(ResourceRef) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.ResourceRestEndpoint
Save changes to database.
- updateRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamRoleDao
Update the role.
- updateRole(TeamRole) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Update a role.
- updateStickyNoteLink(StickyNoteLink) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.link.StickyNoteLinkDao
Update sticky note link.
- updateTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.team.TeamMemberDao
Update team member.
- updateTeamMember(TeamMember) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.team.TeamRestEndpoint
Update a TeamMember.
- updateUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
Update user.
- updateUser(User) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Update user.
- updateUserAgreedTime(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
Update the user agreedTime to now
- updateUserAgreedTime(Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
Update user's agreedTime of given id.
- updateUserPresence(TouchUserPresence) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.PresenceManager
Register and propagate user presence
- updateUserPresence(TouchUserPresence) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.PresenceRestEndpoint
Make presence of a user known
- UrlMetadata - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean
- UrlMetadata() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.UrlMetadata
- useCardTypeInProject(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.card.CardTypeManager
If the card type is not already in the project, create a reference to it.
- useCardTypeInProject(Long, Long) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.card.CardTypeRestEndpoint
If the card type is not already in the project, create a reference to it.
- USED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference.Usage
at least one card(content) references and does not reject the resource
- User - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user
Represents a registered user.
- User() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
- USER - ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
- USER_SEQUENCE_NAME - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.User
user sequence name
- UserChannel - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
The channel to be used to transmit data to a specific user.
- UserChannel() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model.UserChannel
- UserDao - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user
User persistence
- UserDao() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.persistence.jpa.user.UserDao
- UserManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user
Everything related to user management
- UserManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.user.UserManager
- UserPresence - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model
Used to activity status of a user with the rest of the team
- UserPresence() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
new empty user presence instance
- UserPresence(TouchUserPresence) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.presence.model.UserPresence
Create a userPresence instance by copying a TouchUserPresence
- UserRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user
User controller
- UserRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.user.UserRestEndpoint
- VALIDATED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
This card content has been validation
- ValidationManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Entity validation management
- ValidationManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.ValidationManager
- VALIDITY_FOOTER - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.token.TokenMessageBuilder
Text to set as a footer to inform about the validity of the message
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentCompletionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.DeletionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.IconLibrary
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.LexicalDataOwnershipKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.ProjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.InvolvementLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ExpirationPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HashMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.InternalHashMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference.Usage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.RelatedPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.link.StickyNoteLinkManager.SrcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.ChannelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.SubscriptionRequest.SubscriptionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.live.monitoring.BlockMonitoring.BlockStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.microchanges.model.MicroChange.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentCompletionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.card.CardContentStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.DeletionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.IconLibrary
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.document.LexicalDataOwnershipKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.monitoring.CronJobLogName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.project.ProjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.HierarchicalPosition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.team.acl.InvolvementLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.ExpirationPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.HashMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.user.InternalHashMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.document.bean.ResourceExternalReference.Usage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VERIFIED - ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.common.ConversionStatus
The conversion was manually verified as correct
- VerifyLocalAccountMessageBuilder - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.tools
To build the body of the message to send to verify the local account.
- VerifyLocalAccountToken - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token
A token to validate the email address of a local account
- VerifyLocalAccountToken() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.model.token.VerifyLocalAccountToken
- VersionDetails - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring
Information about the current running colab version
- VersionDetails() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.monitoring.VersionDetails
- WebsocketChannel - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.channel.model
Channels between clients and servers.
- WebsocketEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws
Websocket endpoint
- WebsocketEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.WebsocketEndpoint
- WebsocketManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
Some methods to handle websocket connections.
- WebsocketManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketManager
- WebsocketMessagePreparer - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws
Some convenient methods to help sending data through websockets.
- WebsocketRestEndpoint - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest
API to manage subscription to
. - WebsocketRestEndpoint() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.rest.WebsocketRestEndpoint
- WebsocketTxManager - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
To synchronize websockets with JTA session
- WebsocketTxManager() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxManager
- WebsocketTxSync - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller
To synchronize websockets with JTA session
- WebsocketTxSync(EntityGatheringBagForPropagation) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.WebsocketTxSync
New Synchronizer to link to the current transaction.
- willDecode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonDecoder
Is this decoder can handler the given message ?
- willDecode(String) - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.utils.JsonWsMessageListDecoder
Is this decoder can handler the given message ?
- WithDeletionStatus - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
Simple interface which depicts objects having a deletion status
- WithIndex - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
An object containing an index
- WithPermission - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
Depict an entity which has access controls
- WithTrackingData - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
Simple interface which depicts objects having tracking data
- WithWebsocketChannels - Interface in ch.colabproject.colab.api.model
Depict an entity which can be propagated through websocket.
- writeActivityDatesToDatabase() - Method in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.security.SessionManager
Write in-cache activity-date to database
- WsChannelUpdate - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Indicated channel subscription change
- WsChannelUpdate() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsChannelUpdate
- WsMessage - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Abstract class for all websocket messages
- WsMessage() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsMessage
- WsPing - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Ping message
- WsPing() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsPing
Default constructor
- WsPong - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Pong message
- WsPong() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsPong
Default constructor
- WsSessionIdentifier - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Message sent to each client as soon as they initialize the websocket connection.
- WsSessionIdentifier() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSessionIdentifier
Default constructor
- WsSessionIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSessionIdentifier
create a message based on a websocket session
- WsSignOutMessage - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Websocket message to inform about a logout.
- WsSignOutMessage() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSignOutMessage
Default constructor
- WsSignOutMessage(HttpSession) - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsSignOutMessage
create a message based on an http session
- WsUpdateMessage - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message
Websocket update message.
- WsUpdateMessage() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.ws.message.WsUpdateMessage
Default constructor
- YJS_INTERNAL_URL - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
YJS internal url
- YJS_INTERNAL_URL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default YJS intername url
- YJS_URL_WS - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Public YJS URL with websocket protocol
- YJS_URL_WS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class ch.colabproject.colab.api.setup.ColabConfiguration
Default YJS URL with websocket protocol
- YjsException - Exception in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
Exception when trying to call the colab-yjs server (that is used to store the lexical text editor data)
- YjsException(String) - Constructor for exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.YjsException
Exception when trying to call the colab-yjs server.
- YjsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.YjsException
Exception when trying to call the colab-yjs server.
- YjsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.YjsException
Exception when trying to call the colab-yjs server.
- YjsLexicalCaller - Class in ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document
To manage the data in the colab-yjs server (that is used to store the lexical text editor data).
- YjsLexicalCaller() - Constructor for class ch.colabproject.colab.api.controller.document.YjsLexicalCaller
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